I really need help answering a question for my course. I absolutely cannot find it anywhere. If possible could someone help me get the right answer and explain? Question: Under which of the following conditions is intraosseous administration contraindicated? Answers are: A. Flea-infested dog B. Cat with diabetes C. Rabbit with urinary tract disease D. Dog with osteomyelitis
Updated On April 21st, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Labrador Retriever | Male | neutered | 80 lbs
Answered By Andrea M. Brodie, DVM 64
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I am not going to answer this question for you but will try to help you find the answer your self. 1) Figure out what intra-osseous means 2) what is usually administered intra-osseously? 3) Why would you administer fluids or medication intra-osseously? 4) What does contraindicated mean? 5) Look at the diseases in the question. The administration can only be successful in functional tissue/ bone. Answering these five questions will make it easy for you to find the solution.
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