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27392 Questions

What is this skin-tag looking cyst on my cats anus? It is moveable and does not seem to bother her when it is touched. She is an 11 yo indoor calico with no other health concerns.

It looks like a benign cyst. I cannot be 100% sure though just by looking at a photo. I just suggest you monitor it for any major changes - like it gets much larger or changes in color - and if you notice that then have your vet check it.

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Can gabapentin and metacam be used together? My cat is 9lbs 19yr old and was prescribed one drug per different vet. Hes still in pain with only gabap.

Yes, these two medications can be used together without any problems. I would caution you, however, that Metacam needs to be used very carefully in older cats because it isn't safe for cats with any degree of chronic kidney disease - this is extremely common in older cats, so I'm always very cautious about using it unless there has been recent blood work showing that everything is fine. If it was prescribed recently by your vet, then go ahead and use it - but if not, I would definitely recommend talking with them first to make sure they feel that it's safe for your kitty.

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I put too much ear mite medicine into my cat's ear. She's shaking her head a lot, but isn't acting different. Could it hurt her?

Most likely this won't hurt her because there is very limited absorption to the system from medications applied into the ear. Just wipe out the excess with a cotton ball or paper towel and flush the eyes with sterile eye wash if you suspect any could have gotten in there. She should be fine.

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Is rubbing alcohol safe to use as cleanser/ sanitizer around cat?

Thanks for using Boop by Petco! Yes this is completely safe to use around and on cats. In fact, we use rubbing alcohol directly on cats when we are drawing blood or something to help clean an incision site or minor wound. So yes there are no worries here about using it around John the cat. Take care!

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My pregnant cat is bleeding a little from her vulva and seems to be going into labor. Started last night around 6pm

A small amount of a blood tinged discharge or "spotting" from the vagina is normal just before or during labor. Monitor her, but don't stress her out or she may delay the delivery. Most cats will [deliver a litter]( without human intervention. Provide a quiet, warm, dimly lit, clean area for her to deliver then back away. If the discharge becomes heavier or transitions to active bleeding, then she should be seen by your veterinarian or at the nearest veterinary ER immediately. After all the [kittens]( have been delivered and the mom has settled down, consider an exam with your veterinarian to confirm good health for your new little family.

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My cat is vomiting undigested food, but he goes straight to the food bowl again afterwards. What's going on?

This is a common occurrence if Alphonse eats his food too fast. Discontinue free feeding or grazing. Feed him at regularly scheduled mealtimes. Feed using a[ slow feeder bowl]( for dogs and cats or feed multiple small meals throughout the day. If the vomiting continues, see your vet for a complete exam.

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My cat is limping but will let me touch her paw and doesn't seem to be in pain. What could be the cause?

I am sorry to hear your cat is having lameness. Cats are masters at hiding pain and illness so they don't typically scream out unless there is substantial pain there. But limping and a pet not willing to place a foot down is an indicator of a certain level of pain there or else they would put entire weight on the limb and paw. This most likely is not a fracture because that pain would be very evident with her not allowing you to touch it and there would be a substantial amount of swelling there. So that leaves a muscle sprain or ligament partial/complete tear. The key is to localize where on the leg the pain is coming from, look for obvious swelling, and then treat the pet with anti-inflammatory medication if sprain is suspected or do an x-ray if the knee or joint is suspected as the source of the pain to rule out a ligament rupture. Unfortunately there are no safe over the counter pain meds available for cats but your vet has safe products to prescribe for your cat for conservative treatment at the very least to see if this will improve her condition.

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When my cat wakes up from her naps she cries looking for me, wondering why?

She loves you. Cats are, contrary to common opinion, not solitary animals. Cats love their owners, some more , some less and some get so attached that they do not want to be separated from their "mommy". I have one like that too. She always has to be around me and when I am not in sight or away she meows and looks for me (with a sock in her mouth....)

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My cat is painfully shy and hides almost all day. How do I get him out of his shell?

Just like people, some cats are quite introverted and it can take a fair amount of effort to get them out of their shells. For many of these cats, their “shyness” is actually a sign of stress and anxiety, which is often fear-related. Try to find something your cat enjoys – a special treat, ear scratches, playing with the laser pointer – and encourage your cat to approach you. Do not force any interaction, as this often makes stress and anxiety worse. It may take a bit of patience and time. Calming pheromones, such as the Comfort Zone® Calming Diffuser, can help to minimize some cats’ stress, as can anti-anxiety medication prescribed by your veterinarian. If these strategies are not successful, it may be best to consult a [veterinary behaviorist]( for further advice.

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