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27392 Questions

My cat randomly got a swollen bottom lip with what looks like some acne of some sort. She’s 7 months old. And is not fixed.

This condition is called Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex , also known as "rodent ulcer", The exact cause of feline eosinophilic granuloma complex is unknown. Some research studies suggest that a form of allergic response (hypersensitivity reaction) may be involved in the majority of cases. This is more likely in cases that are recurrent. Other studies suggest that the condition may at least be partially genetic or inheritable. Flea and insect control is very important in the treatment of feline eosinophilic complex. This is due to the suspected hypersensitivity reaction cause of the condition. Insect bites can trigger an exaggerated immune response in affected cats, causing or worsening clinical signs. Some cats respond to elimination or hypoallergenic diets, suggesting an underlying food allergy as the cause. Most cats diagnosed with feline eosinophilic granuloma complex benefit from a hypoallergenic food trial. Corticosteroids are the most common treatment to control the symptoms of eosinophilic granuloma complex. you will need to visit your vet to get this treatment.

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My cat has brown buildup in his it just wax or could he have an infection? I don’t think it’s ear mites because he isn’t itching excessively and my three other cats have not been affected by it.

Hello. This ear looks like a normal, healthy ear with some wax buildup. Ear infections typically will have classic symptoms of odor, redness, inflammation and often discomfort or itchiness. Your cat’s ear looks good, but if he is experiencing any discomfort or rubbing/scratching at the ear, have your vet check it out. Thank you for using Boop by Petco.

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Accidentally blew cannabis in cats face. Just as I exhaled my cat jumped up to greet me & was met with smoke. I feel bad, was totally unintentional & confused after reading online the effects on cats with this stuff. Happened hour ago; since she has been very relaxed/calm, laying next to me, & not showing any negative effects as of now. What things should I monitor in coming hours/days, how long until it's out of her system, & will she be okay? Will make sure never to do this again.

Hello, thank you for using Boop by Petco. Mild intoxication can occur from exposure to second-hand marijuana smoke. Clinical signs of marijuana toxicosis in cats include drooling, increased locomotor activity (e.g. wandering aimlessly, spontaneous jumping behavior), sedation, depression, anxiety, head bobbing/weaving, swaying from side to side, disorientation, vocalization, agitation, aggression, drinking excessively, difficulty swallowing, sneezing, not eating, seizures, diarrhea, and vomiting. Please monitor her carefully for the next 12-24 hours. If you notice any severe symptoms you will need to take her to your veterinarian. I cannot say how long it will be in her system as I do not know how much she inhaled. My guess would be less than 12 hours for one episode of direct inhalation but each individual animal is different in how they react (just like humans). Please note that we are not an emergency service and cannot guarantee a prompt reply. In the future, if you think your pet have some type of toxicity it is best to call Animal Poison Control or your local emergency veterinarian for assistance/guidance. ( ) Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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My cat has a minor surface abrasion on left shoulder, just to the inside of his shoulder blade. He's had this about 2 weeks, I've been caring for this normally. He keeps licking it open again and will not let scab heal. No fever, lethargy, discharge or limping. Slight hair loss around site, as normal. Site is no more than half inch long, but is getting larger in girth as he opens the site. Was size of rice grain, now seems to be size of #2 pencil eraser. I just cant get it to heal.

Hello, my name is Dr. Elizabeth and I am happy to help. I hate to hear this lesion on Patch is not healing. I think the main thing to address is the licking. The first thing you need to do is stop the licking (since this can make it worse). Patches should wear an elizabethan collar at all times. Remember that the collar must come out past her nose in order to be effective. Next, wear gloves to handle the lesion and be sure to wash your hands afterwards. Get pet wipes that contain Chlorhexidine. Cleanse the area twice a day. This will help to control the number of topical pathogens as well as remove oil and dead skin cells. Lastly, after the area is completely dry, apply a topical antibiotic twice a day. Just a dab will do and rub it in well. Neosporin is fine to use. Again, wear gloves or apply with a q-tip. Patches needs to be indoors at all times. Cats can't wear elizabethan collars outside as they are a choking hazard if they were to get hung up. She can only wear the collar if she is in a safe environment. If the spot is not much better in 1 week, if it gets worse at any point or if the lesion is not completely healed within 2 weeks, Patches needs to be examined by the veterinarian. I hope this helps and please feel free to reach out with any additional questions.

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I have a 5 and a half day old kitten. I believe his right eye was forced open accidentally by his sister. None of the other kittens in the litter have their eyes open, nor are their eyes even starting to open. I covered the windows to keep the lighting in the room dim. Is there anything else I can do to help him and prevent (hopefully) damage to his eye? The eye is fully open. Thank-you, Caron

Hi Caron, thank you for contacting Boop by Petco with your question. At 5 and a half days of age, that is young for the eye to be open, and there is a concern that it won't be fully developed as you fear the eye was forced open. He needs to see a vet right away, as this could permanently damage his eyesight. You are doing the right thing by keeping the lighting dim and covering the windows, and you want to make sure the eye isn't too dry, which is why he needs to see a vet to get checked out. He can't be separated long from his mother, so please bring the mother and siblings to the appointment as well, and I would take them all in today. He should see a vet asap. I hope this helps!

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A stray cat I feed is sneezing with eye discharge and their appetite has gone from lessened to not eating anything but still drinking water. I dont believe he's eaten anything in 24 to 48 hours seems weak. I have been taking care of another cat who I took to the vet but do not have more money to help this one. Is there anything I can do to help him? He is sleeping in an outside cat house we have

It sounds like an upper respiratory infection. They are common in cats and can be incredibly contagious to other cats. Make sure to wash your hands and change your clothes after dealing with Tom. Many of these infection are viral and simply have to run their course. Occasionally antibiotics are used to treat secondary bacterial infections. Cats don't like to eat if they can't smell, so if you can give him smellier foods, like tuna or some varieties of wet food, he may eat a little.

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my cat has a bruise or internal bleeding around his scrotal area... he just got neutered. What does that mean? Is it serious?

This amount of bruising can be normal after a neuter. It should resolve after a few days. Monitor for spread, swelling, bleeding or discharge. Restrict activity as much as possible for the next 2 weeks.

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My cat ate chicken bones about 4 days ago, should i still worry?

Hello and thank you for contacting Boop by Petco. If Lily has not developed any gastrointestinal symptoms, like vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea, lack of appetite there is nothing to worry about. The bones she ate have been digested by now.

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Hello. I was wondering if seventh generation lavender detergent and softener if healthy for cats to smell when the clothes are in was? Its a stronger scent. I see that there is lavender oil. There’s a picture of the ingredients

I wouldn't have any concerns about contacting this small amount of lavender oil. Cats can be sensitive to essential oils that are diffused in the air or used topically on the cat, but contact with a small amount shouldn't be a concern.

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