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27392 Questions

My cat has a weird bump on his left paw on his leg. What could this be?

Thanks for using Boop by Petco! This could be a benign or malignant growth. There is no way of knowing for sure without an examination though this represents a reason to seek veterinary care. This is usually determined with an examination and a fine needle aspirate (FNA) or a biopsy. Treatment depends on the findings up to that point. I recommend you have Domino evaluated by a veterinarian for further assessment and treatment. Good luck and have a good day!

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Our 14 year old cat has these skin lesions for weeks and will not go away but appears otherwise healthy with no changes in sleep or eating patterns. He has been eating the same food for years. One is under his eye, one near his mouth and one on his elbow. They are not pussy and are small scabs. Any ideas? thanks

This is probably caused by an allergic reaction. first of all make sure you de-flea Bam Bam regularly every month with a high quality spot on (ex. Advantage) as fleas are by far the most common reason for these reactions. If the fleas are not the problem, it could be an allergic reaction to food or an environmental factor. this is more complicated to treat and will sometimes require medications such as Steroids, anti histamines or cyclosporin in order to stop the allergy.

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My four month old kitten ate like 2 slices of pepperoni off a pizza... it wasn’t spicy and she seems to be fine. I’m just worried. She has no problem with her food or anything

There is no concern for toxicity here. Pepperoni may cause some upset stomach issues but other than that she should be fine. If you do see some upset stomach symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea), then you can try a probiotic (i.e. Culturelle over the counter) and a bland diet of lean ground beef and rice and pumpkin (not the pie filling) for a few days, then slowly transition her back to her normal diet. I hope that your fur baby Tor turns out well with no upset stomach. Take care!

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My cat is on royal cain so urinary tract food, he had crystals in his urine a couple of months ago. He is not eatting the wet food, but is eatting the dry, i like to give them both. Can i replace the wet with pro plan focus urinary tract heath? Theyhave 4 kinds of cat food, instead of one kind.

The Pro Plan focus urinary is not the same as the therapeutic Royal Canin SO diet and would not necessarily prevent crystal formation in the same way. You could ask your vet about switching, but I generally advise against it. You could try a different brand of therapeutic urinary wet food like Science Diet c/d or Purina UR - he may prefer a different brand. If you do decide to switch after talking to your vet it might be a good idea to recheck a urine sample after he's had the new food for a few weeks to make sure there are no crystals, inflammation or a change in pH after the diet change.

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Can I use terramycin on a 3 week old kitten for eye infection?

Terramycin is commonly prescribed in cats and kittens, but I cannot recommend its use for Snowball until she has been examined by a veterinarian to make sure that it is the appropriate medication for her eye problem.

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Is the spay incision open? My cat has been jumping on our beds and I'm worried she may have opened her incision. There's no blood or oozing so far. We think she may have licked it as well since the E-collar came off 2 times.

Thank you for using Boop by Petco. From this picture it does not appear to be open, but there may be some swelling around the incision. You may need to keep Nikita and a crate or small room where she cannot run or jump on and off of furniture. Be sure to keep the E collar on. If there’s any gaping of the incision, discharge, redness or she is acting sick in anyway then I recommend taking her back to the veterinarian for a check up.

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My cat is on urinary tract health cat food. Is it okay to give him regular cat treats? Also, does the food have to come from the vet or is the food from the pet store just as good?

As with all treats, moderation is the best approach. You can give Ashton cat treats here and there and they will not mess up his diet, if you feed one or two a day. However, instead of food treats, treat him with cat nip sprinkled on a towel....he will love this even more. Prescription urinary health food usually has to come from the vet.

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My cat was prescribed onsior. I realized that I gave him his medicine this morning with his other 12 hour instead of waiting till tonight. Will he be okay. Do I need to be looking for anything since I have given him the medication 12 hours early

Fortunately Onsior is one of the safest pain killers on the market and a one time double dosage is not likely to affect him. i would still monitor him for vomiting, lack of appetite and bloody stools, i would also recommend skipping the next dose.

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My kitten is 3 months old and he had a fecal exam a few days ago and they found roundworms. He had been having diarrhea before we knew, and he received his first deworm med then, but he is still having diarrhea. How long is diarrhea supposed to last? He is getting his second and final deworm med in two weeks.

Hello there, It can take several days for diarrhea to clear up. He is likely still passing one life cycle of dead worms, and the intestines need to heal from the secondary parasitic inflammation. I would expect his stools to be totally normal several days after his next deworming in two weeks. Your vet can recommend a bland diet or probiotic which may help Zion resolve or manage his diarrhea better and faster. I hope this helps. Thanks for using Boop by Petco.

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