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27392 Questions

Why does my cat get worked up and bite the brush everytime I brush her? It's good to note that she would be purring at the same time aswell. Like she wont let me groom her in peace, she would bite the brush and then take it away from me.

Hi, thanks for using Boop by Petco! The biting of the brush can indicate that she is itchy, cats will lick or bite themselves when an itchy area is scratched or brushed. Some will salivate. Another possibility is that she is biting it because she is getting annoyed. Cats can still be purring but show annoyance by turning their ears, flicking their tail or lightly biting a brush or your hand/arm/fingers. I would stop brushing her when she starts biting the brush or only do it in short intervals so you do not irritate her too much. I wish you the best!

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My cat has a pink bludge under his anus and on top of the pink is a red lump

Hi, thanks for using Boop by Petco! To orient you to his anatomy from your picture: to left by tail in the black fur is the anus (larger flesh colored circle). Going towards the right into the white fur the light pink tubular structure is the prepuce (sheath where penis lives) and the redder center is the penis itself. Everything in your picture is normal. Hope this helps!

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My 15 week old kitten keeps eating my 9 year old's Rx Hills Science C/D dry food - she prefers it over her kitten kibble. I'm having a hard time keeping her away from the adult cat bowl. She came to me eating Iams kitten kibble & I'm in the process of transitioning her to Hills Science Kitten dry food. Should I be concerned about her eating the Rx food?

Thanks for using Boop by Petco. It should be no problem for Kaya to eat the C/D. In fact, in households with one cat who has urinary problems and another who does not, I often recommend feeding the c/d to everyone anyway since I don't want the urinary cat to eat anyone else's food. (That being said, if urinary cat will stay our of Kaya's food, a kitten food IS more ideal for Kaya for the next couple months at least.) Best wishes to you and your kitties!

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My cat drank from the toilet bowl with a bleach tablet in it. She is acting fine but is sneezing a lot. What should I do?!

Thank you for contacting Pet Coach with your concern about Kora! Oh my, that’s not good she drank bleach water from the toilet! It's not safe for cats to drink bleach water, but animals typically do not ingest enough bleach to cause toxic effects. You may see vomiting, drooling, abdominal pain, and a sore throat. Give her plenty of fresh water, and take her to the vet if you see any of those signs. Do not allow her access to the toilet in the future to drink from it. I recommend getting her a cat water fountain to drink from, it will give her a supply of fresh water at all times, and in my experience cats love drinking from them. Best of luck, I hope this helps!

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Hi earlier I spoke with Boop by Petco about an opinion on trying bonito flakes on my cats kidney food in hopes of getting him to eat it. My vet says he’s in early stages of kidney trouble and trying the kidney food would help. If the Bonito flakes help him to eat the kidney diet, what is a safe amount to use? Because I read Bonito flakes are hi in protein and that’s not good for aging kidneys right? Thanks!

Thank you for contacting Boop by Petco with your question about Eddie. Yes, you are correct this can be a sign of illness. As long as he is eating and drinking, and using the litter box, I would monitor him for now. If he stops eating, stays very lethargic over the next 24 hours, stops drinking water, stops using the litter box, or develops other symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, I would take him into a vet right away. Best of luck.

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The tip of my cat's carpal pad is discolored and seems to be split/hanging off. Cat does not appear to be in pain, and there is no bleeding. What is this condition likely to be, and what should I do?

Hi, thanks for using Boop by Petco! I would leave it alone. What you are seeing is a thick scab. He likely cut it or injured the pad some how. But it should heal. Just be sure he isn't licking it or bothering it. Have a good day!

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My cat is urinating in her own bed and then licking it.. Is this normal? I clean her bed in the wash after every incident but as soon as I set it down she just urinates in it again. Is she sick?

This is not normal at all. She may be suffering from a urinary tract infection, and/or incontinence. She is licking herself and her bed trying to clean the urine off. I suggest you take your kitty to your veterinarian for an exam and a urinalysis. If she is suffering from a UTI she will need prescription medication.

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My 8 year-old female cat's urine seems thick and gooey in her litter box, and she sometimes pees and/or poops just outside the litter box. Anything to be concerned about?

Hi, thanks for using Boop by Petco! Poor Ginger! The urine shouldn't be thick or gooey. I would have her seen by your Vet and bring a urine sample. I would want to check to see if she has a urinary tract infection, crystals in her urine or a bladder stone. I wouldn't ignore the urine. I wish Ginger the best!

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Please help I kicked my pregnant dog will she be ok?? It all happened so fast she started attackinng my friends kitten I couldn't seperate them so I kicked her and she yelped and dropped the kitten I feel so bad she is 5 or 6 weeks pregnant she was mated on the 30th of June will she be ok

Hi, thanks for using Boop by Petco! It's ok! Give yourself some credit that in the mist of a traumatic situation we do instinctual things. She should be fine. The puppies are small and protected by the amniotic fluid and the placentas. I would keep her at home and have your friends not bring pets to your house for the duration of her pregnancy. I wish you the best!

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