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My cats left eye is swollen shut more than any photos I can find on the Internet. I am worried it looks much more severe than anything else I’ve seen. It is Sunday and All vets are closed.

Hi, thanks for using Boop by Petco! Poor Sabian! I am concerned about his eye and I suggest you take him to an open 24 hr Veterinary Emergency hospital. When it comes to eye issues it is best to have the pet seen sooner than later. Possible causes are: corneal ulcer, glaucoma, ruptured globe, severe conjunctivitis, tumor, or tooth root abscess. He needs to have the eye examined, stained for an ulcer and possibly the pressure measured with in the eye. He would nee a safe eye medication to be prescribed based on the cause of the swelling. I hope this helps and I wish Sabian a speedy recovery. Happy New Year!

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My cat went on a bland diet because she had diarrhea and blood in her stool. But its been 3 days and she hadnt poop yet.

It is not uncommon for dogs and cats on a boiled rice and chicken diet or a prescription bland intestinal or gastrointestinal diet to not poop for 2-3 days as the bland diet is usually mostly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and not much is left to be defecated as stool. If Mochi is eating and not vomiting and has a normal activity level/does not seem painful/uncomfortable when her belly is touched. I would make sure that she has plenty of water and offer laxatone (an oral laxative for hairballs daily) if available and she will likely defecate within the next day or two. If she does not, an exam at her vet’s and sedation prior to manual deobstipation may be indicated. Good luck!

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My cat ate some of my miso soup. What do I do? Will he be okay?

Hello and thank you for reaching out to Boop by Petco. As long as the miso soup did not contain any garlic, onions or mushrooms, Toby will likely be just fine. Monitor for any GI upset such as vomiting or diarrhea. I hope this is helpful!

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Why does my indoor cat need flea prevention?

Although [indoor cats]( are less likely to acquire fleas than their outdoor counterparts, it still happens commonly. Fleas can hitchhike inside on another pet or on your clothing to infest your indoor cat. Fleas are more than just a nuisance by causing discomfort to cats, they can also infest your home, which can take several months to eradicate. They can transmit Bartonella, cause anemia or infest cats with tapeworms if ingested. In order to prevent fleas from causing health problems, it is best to keep all cats on routine flea preventive medications. Since flea preventive medications are not all created equally, discuss [the best option]( for your cat with your veterinarian. ### Cheristin is a trademark of Elanco or its affiliates.

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My one of my kitten eye keeps closing and getting stuck while the other one is open. He has crust in his eye and hard to get all the way out. Can you give me some advice on how to keep it open.

Hello, I am sorry to hear about Tom. The discharge and crusting you describe could be signs of an eye infection. Kittens are prone to getting eye infections secondary to a viral infection. You could try gently wiping some of the crusts away with a warm facecloth/towel. If the discharge continues and is significant enough that it prevents him from opening his eye fully I would recommend having Tom seen by a veterinarian so that they can perform an ocular examination and prescribe antibiotics if needed. Hope this helps, good luck!

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We have a new kitten in the household and my dog drools a lot when they see each other its still new so its limited supervised contact but the drooling does my dog want to eat/attack the cat? It's very strange behavior for him he not much of a hunting dog never got a kill in the yard but drools excessively when looking at the kitten

Drooling can sometimes be a sign of overstimulation/excitement, and even stress or nervousness. It may not be that Bruce wants to hunt the kittens, but he is very excited/nervous being around it. Continuing to monitor them and only have them together under supervision is best, and if he starts to drool it's time for a time out so everyone (including Bruce) can have some time to relax and calm down. Making sure Bruce and kitten both have a place they can lay down, eat, drink, etc away from each other is also a good idea to help limit stress. Pheromone diffusers can also sometimes help (they make them for dogs), however if the behavior continues or he seems to be upset or anxious, it wouldn't hurt to talk to a trainer or behaviorist in person as well.

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This morning my cat gave birth to 5 kittens now she is having diarrhea.. is this normal or not ??

Hello and thank you for reaching out to Boop by Petco. It is not unusual for animals to have some diarrhea after giving birth. As long as she continues to eat well, this should slowly resolve over the course of the next 3-4 days. If it does not, or if Naughtt develops any other unusual clinical signs, I recommend having her seen by a veterinarian, as an unrelated issue may be present. I hope this is helpful!

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I have two cats, one of my cats has been prescribed Royal Canin Urinary S/O by vets to treat struvite crystals however he hates the wet food he won't eat it what so ever, will buying the dried food of Royal Canin S/O be safe to use for him? Also will my other cat be allowed to eat this also?

Jerry will still get the benefits of the diet from the dry kibble so it is fine to use this. If he won’t eat the canned food, give him a water fountain as this may encourage him to drink more water. There are other diets that are indexed for crystals and he may like one of the canned varieties. I recommend to ask your veterinarian about which one is best. It is fine for the other cat to eat the diet as well. I hope this helps and please feel free to post any additional questions.

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My cat ate one sultana, will he be okay?

There is no known safe amount of sultanas for cats to eat. There is always a possibility of kidney failure. The (major) problem with treating these guys is that you don't know if it's going to cause kidney failure until it's too late. They don't act different or ill until they are life threateningly ill. The only way to treat them is to go to the clinic, make her vomit if it was within an hour or maybe 2, then keep her on IV fluids for a day or two. And some cats can eat sultanas without any problems. We just don't know how each individual will react. So I know that's not the most helpful answer, but that's the more accurate one we have. You can chance it and do nothing and there is a good chance everything will be fine, or you can take her to the clinic immediately for hospitalization. Good luck!

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