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27392 Questions

Why would my cat start to only eat wet food, ignoring her expensive dry food she usually eats? She has EXCESSIVE urination, she is VERY overweight, i

I am assuming she is favoring wet food because it has more water in it and she is having a medical problem causing her dehydration. this could be caused by diabetes for example, but there could be other causes to that such as a chronic urinary condition. she needs to get to the vet as diagnosis in her condition is the key, she will need a blood test, i believe it should revile the problem.

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My vet said I could give my 15 lb 7 year old female cat 30 ml of child's gravol to help in getting he shaved, this sounds like way too much.

You can give ~12.5mg of dimenhydrinate as the cat dose. However, dramamine (same thing) is not a very good medication for sedation in cats. It works well for motion sickness. If you want an over the counter medication that generally works better as a sedative in cats, then try diphenhydramine (benadryl). Give 12.5mg (the children's dose, or 1/2 the adult dose). Benadryl tends to do a better job for sedation. Did your vet possibly say 30 MG, not ML? You're right, 30 ml is an entire ounce of liquid and I doubt that you'd get much in, as little as cats like getting medicine.

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Should my male cat have a shaved belly and tattoo on belly after a neuter? He's a boy.

the belly gets shaved before putting a tattoo on it (to show that he is already neutered). It is possible that they shaved him at first thinking he was female , and then realised he was a boy . This can happen. The hair will grow back though, so no worries.

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Hi, I am worried my cat has thrown up 2 days in a row

Best recommendation is to withdraw food for 12-24 hours. If the vomiting stops, resume feeding her normal cat food in smaller, more frequent meals. If the vomiting does not stop, beat recommendation is to have her evaluated by a veterinarian. She may be getting dehydrated and your vet may want to do some diagnostic testing. She may also benefit from medications to stop the vomiting. Cats can vomit for lots of reasons, such as organ dysfunction, gastrointestinal problems, or foreign bodies. Sometimes cats can vomit for (what seems like) no reason at all. It's important to rule out the more serious causes.

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Does Revolution cat flea med last more than 30 days? I'm out & waiting for order to ship & my 13 y/o kitty wants outside. Last dose was 33 days ago.

From the Revolution website: "For the prevention of heartworm disease, Revolution must be administered on a monthly basis. Revolution may be administered year-round or at least within one month after the animal’s first exposure to mosquitoes and monthly thereafter until the end of the mosquito season. If a dose is missed and a monthly interval between dosing is exceeded then immediate administration of Revolution and resumption of monthly dosing will minimize the opportunity for the development of adult heartworms. For the prevention and control of flea infestations, Revolution should be administered at monthly intervals throughout the flea season, starting one month before fleas become active. " Now, other heartworm preventatives, I've been told, have a bit of a grace period, about a week of wiggle room between doses. I haven't been told that specifically about Revolution. If your vet will sell you a single dose, that would tide you over until your order comes.

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Need to separate bonded pair of male cats. I am trying to keep them together but may not have choice. Will they adjust? One is going to multicat home

They will likely adjust, however they will need a lot of TLC and it will take time. They will be very sad and will miss their companion. I think, however, that time will heal and they might do ok. The cat which is not going into a multicat household will have more serious problems as she will be very lonely. He will need very much attention and love and likely will search for the missing kitty. Try not to separate them if you can somehow manage. or find a new home that will take both of them.

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Cat was licking at some raw chicken left out on the cutting board after dinner. Is anything bad likely to happen?

It is not likely that your kitty will get sick from that . If your cat is healthy and strong there is hardly any chance that, even if there were salmonella or campylobacter bacteria on the chicken, he will get diarrhea or otherwise ill. I would not worry.

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Why would a normally social cat start hiding in closets?

Stress can cause cats to hide or act abnormally. For example if you had house guests or got a new pet this could stress your cat out. However medical issues can also cause cats to hide. Cats may hide if they are feeling bad. I would keep a very close eye on your cats appetite, water intake, BMs, and urine if your cat is hiding. If you notice anything that is not normal I would take your cat in for a thorough exam and some basic bloodwork. Older cats can be prone to things like diabetes, renal disease, and hyperthyriodism. These can be fairly well managed with meds once daignosed. If your cat is a male, keep a very close eye on the litter box and be sure he is urinating ok. Male cats can get thier urethra blocked and become unable to urinate. This is an emergency and can be fatal very quickly if left untreated. If it turns out to be just stress I reccomend trying a product called Feliway. Feliway mimcks the phermone produced by mother cats and has a calming effect on cats. Feliway should be available over the counter at your local vet. hope this helps

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In response to the lime sulfur dip can possibly irritate the eyes on my cat but not cause complete sudden blindness. My cat had multiple dips done to get rid of a skin condition. What if it accidentally got in his eyes?

It can irritate the eyes, but when done by a professional this risk is usually avoided rather well. If it did happen to get in the eye, then it would irritate the outside of the eye and conjunctiva (pink part around the eye), but would not normally cause any significant damage. It definitely would not lead to deterioration of any part of the eye later on. I hope that helps to answer your question and all is well with Sampson.

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