my cat ate one possibly two raisins, should I be worried?
Hello and welcome to Boop by Petco. With raisins the exact toxin isn't known completely, and cats for the most part don't seem to be susceptible as dogs are. However, there are one or two cases where cats have developed kidney failure after ingestion of raisins, but it isn't know if the raisins caused it. If you want to be very careful, you can take Dahila to the vet and have them try to make her vomit to see if you can get the raisins out, and they may feed her some activated charcoal to soak up any potential toxin. They may also suggest IV fluids for 48 hours to make sure the kidneys are OK. The other option is to monitor her closely, and ANY signs of weakness, vomiting, acting tired, get her to the vet right away. The likelihood that she will have any problems is very small, however we cannot say 100% that she won't. I know this is a frustrating answer, however it is a frustrating condition, as we still haven't figured out exactly what in grapes causes the problem. Best of luck with Dahila. If you are still unsure I would call your vet and ask if they feel you should bring Dahila in for care
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