Hi, I just have a feral cat half a pill of Capstar. I split the pill in half and placed in food but he only ate the one half and left. He is about 10-11pds. Smaller cat. My question is that is this half dosage ok for this size cat or should I give it another pill in the next morning, feeding time. The half pill that he did eat was working in my opinion as the cat was scratching and licking for two hours after.
Capstar comes in two sizes. Cats should get the 11.4mg. A half dose will work to an extent but will not fully work since the dose is smaller than it should be. Yes, you could give the other half tomorrow but it would be better to give the full amount. The larger size is 57mg and half of that would be an over dose for a cat. I do not recommend to give this to a cat. Also, capstar only lasts 24 hours. I hope this helps and please feel free to post any additional questions.
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