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Hi, I just have a feral cat half a pill of Capstar. I split the pill in half and placed in food but he only ate the one half and left. He is about 10-11pds. Smaller cat. My question is that is this half dosage ok for this size cat or should I give it another pill in the next morning, feeding time. The half pill that he did eat was working in my opinion as the cat was scratching and licking for two hours after.

Capstar comes in two sizes. Cats should get the 11.4mg. A half dose will work to an extent but will not fully work since the dose is smaller than it should be. Yes, you could give the other half tomorrow but it would be better to give the full amount. The larger size is 57mg and half of that would be an over dose for a cat. I do not recommend to give this to a cat. Also, capstar only lasts 24 hours. I hope this helps and please feel free to post any additional questions.

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My cat has green discharge from the butt hole. He is lethargic. But eating and drinking. Should I be worried

Yes, green discharge generally indicates infection. The fluid you see could be coming from the anus, rectum or the anal sacs, Regardless it needs to be addressed and I recommend having Sable seen today if possible. I hope this helps and please feel free to post any additional questions.

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My cat has been on Clavamox for 6 weeks and it’s been white every time. Today I picked up and new batch and went to give it to him and it’s orange. Is this okay to give to him?

Thank you for contacting Boop by Petco with your question about Coco's medication. It could be the bottle that the Clavamox was put in making it appear orange from the outside. It should be a creamy white to yellow color. Look inside, and if the liquid is orange or dark, then call his vet to let them know about this and see if it's safe to give him. I hope this helps!

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A vet that specializes in neurology provided me with Gabapentin 50 mg tabs to give my cat twice a day. There are no numbers on them, just white round scored tablets. Evertthing I google says lowest dose is 100 mg. Concerned I may have been given the wrong medication.

They may be compounded tablets. Often if vets cannot get a medication at a lower strength, they will get them compounded to the strength they need. I suggest you contact your vet when you get a chance to confirm what you are giving. In the meantime you can give it as directed. Gabapentin has a pretty wide dosing range. For treatment for seizures in cats, gabapentin is started at 2.5 to 5 mg per pound (5 to 10 mg/kg) every 8 to 12 hours. Doses up to 10 mg per pound every 6 hours has been used in some cats. For pain control in cats, doses range from 1.5 to 5 mg per pound (1.25 to 2.5 mg/kg) every 12 hours. Higher doses (up to 50 mg per cat 1 to 3 times daily) are recommended by some vets. So, even if you are giving 100mg twice a day it should not be harmful. She may just be very sleepy if it is a higher dose than what was intended.

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My cat has scratched himself until he created a sore. I have tried to clean the wound with peroxide and put a bandaid over it but he scratches it off. I know he scratched it due to fleas. I have given him tablets for that but how do I cover the wound?

Depending on where it is located, you could try to do a light neck wrap using rolled gauze or a ace bandage. Do NOT stretch the material. Just lightly wrap it. You could also get a cone collar to prevent him from scratching if the sore is far enough up on the neck. I would try to use some oral Benadryl and Benadryl spray to help with e itching. You can also put a small amount of Neosporin on it twice a day to help it heal. If it isn't improving, I would have your vet take a look. Your vet will be able to put him on the proper meds and allergy meds to help it heal. I hope this helps!

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A stray cat that comes to my house pukes out his food after 5 mins of eating it. Could it be worms, i wouldnt want markus to catch anything

Hi, thanks for using Boop by Petco! Intestinal parasites are transmitted fecal-oral, from hunting or fleas. Markus can't catch worms by being near the stray cat. There are many reasons for the stray cat to be vomiting: parasites, viral or bacterial infection, cancer, liver or kidney failure, over active thyroid, food allergy/intolerance, obstruction, pancreatitis, feline leukemia, FIV or FIP. If he is this sick maybe consider calling animal control to come get him. I wish you the best!

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5 months old cat never dewormed before.. what is correct deworming shedule from now?

Hi, I would recommend to worm first, at an interval of 2 weeks apart and then continue with every 3 months. Please consult the vet about using a product for cats which treat against roundworm and tapeworm.

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My cat is freaking out because I put a new collar on her. She has worn the same collar since she was a kitten but for some reason now when I changed it to a different collar, she is in huge fear and all she wants to do is hide under something all day. I will try to take her out of underneath she is and she'll quickly run away and hide somewhere else. I've been petting her, giving her treats, playing with her fav toy, and trying to comfort her but she is still freaking out. What should I do?

Poor Nala! I'm sorry she's upset! First of all, if there is any noise making part of the collar (a bell, a jingle, or even a tag hitting against a buckle, etc) that may be freaking her out. Secondly, if she is a strictly indoor cat, its reasonable to not worry about keeping a collar on her at all, though I would recommend that she be [microchipped]( in case she ever does get out. The feel of this color, or maybe the smell, could also be the issue. If its the smell, you can set the collar out in your house for a few days, put it in her bed, or under your pillow, and try again in a few days.[ Feliway spray]( may also help--this is a pheromone product that you can spray on the collar, which should help it have a more soothing effect. If it is the feel of the collar you can either decide to give her time to see if she gets used to it, or just punt the idea of a new collar. Again, for what its worth, its not wrong to NOT have a collar on an indoor only cat. I hope that is helpful for you! Thanks for asking Boop by Petco!

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My cat is licking her stomach a lot and there is almost no hair around her nipples. There is some rashes where she is licking.

Hi, and thanks for your question. This could be due to an allergy, although it could also be infection or mites. First of all, in order to rule out skin parasites, you will need to treat with a high quality flea treatment, then ask the vet to perform a skin scrape - this might reveal an infection or a mite infestation. If all of those came back negative, the next step is to treat the allergy symptomatically and try to discover the cause of the allergy. Three main type of allergies are usually affecting pets: food allergies, flea and parasite related ones and environmental type (allergens coming from trees, pollens, dust etc etc). Some medications can be given by the vet in order to repair any possible skin lesions (like steroids and antibiotics). Hope this answer was helpful, but please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further. If this answer was helpful please let us know, this will be used to improve our service!

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