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27392 Questions

How long does it take the diet (specifically Royal Canin Urinary SO for Cats) to dissolve bladder stones?

Thank you for submitting your question regarding Pan. Urinary SO is a high quality urinary diet. Provided your cat has the type of stones susceptible to dissolution, the diet can begin working in as little as 7 days. The size of the stones dictates how long until dissolution is complete. Struvite also known as triple phosphate stones are susceptible to dissolution. I hope this information helps!

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I am very worried about my kitten' s teeth. For a few months now, she's been having extremely bad breathe. I don't need to be near her face and I still smell it. Yesterday one of her canines fell out and there was a bit of blood. Today, a row of teeth on the side of her gums fell out, and I noticed this when I tried brushing her teeth and there was a lot of blood in her mouth. She is 6 months old so I'm not sure if this is normal or not. I attached a photo of the teeth that fell out, please help

I am sorry to hear about your concerns!!! It sounds like your kitten is of the age when it is getting its final adult teeth (usually 6-7 months) so it is possible your kitty is just losing her baby teeth. When kittens are teething sometimes they do have a bad breath/odor while they are teething. When the teeth fall out we can have some bleeding at the gums as well. If the bleeding was prolonged, your kitty is having trouble eating or is lethargic or pawing at her mouth, I would recommend an exam by the vet to look at the oral cavity to ensure there aren't any signs of infection, a foreign body stuck in the gums, or ulceration. Best of luck to you and Nala!

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My cat has loss of balance after taking gabapentin for anxiety before a vet visit. It’s been 6 hours and she’s still not quite right. Should I be worried?

Hi there. It’s common for cats to be a bit wobbly when they have taken a sedative or anti-anxiety medication like gabapentin, so this would not normally be cause for concern. This medication can last for up to 8 hours or so, so I normally tell my clients to expect that their kitty may seem a bit drowsy or off-balance for the rest of the day.

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My cat’s bottom lip is sticking out a little bit and is a little bit droopy compared to my other cats. He is indoor only and is acting normal other than that. I’m wondering if this is something serious and I should take him to the vet?

Hello, thank you for your question about Leo. This is not a cause for immediate concern and I would recommend continuing to monitor his lip. It is possible he is having a mild reaction to something in his environment, such as a plastic food dish, etc. If the lip becomes swollen, ulcerated, or Leo stops eating I would recommend having him seen by your veterinarian for further evaluation. Hope this helps!

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Can I mix pumpkin with kmr to give to my kitten for constipation?

Canned pumpkin (not pie filling, just the straight-up pumpkin) or liquid paraffin can be used, and should work straight away in the following 8 hours from administration. DO NOT TRY to give an enema as it could be dangerous and cause electrolyte imbalances and colon perforation. If constipation lasts more than 24 hours from administration of those or 48 hours in general, a check up at your local vet is required.

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My cat has a rotting hole in its leg. It was swelled the other day and then drainage started coming out. Now it's just disgusting draining, piece of meat looking stuff on its leg. What is it .

This is most likely an infection, a parasite under the skin or a cancer. These conditions all need medical care. I recommend to have your kitty examined by the veterinarian for appropriate diagnosis and treatment. She will need antibiotics, the area cleaned, possibly pain medication, possibly antiparasitics and an elizabethan collar. The vet may also recommend additional treatment. I hope this helps and please feel free to post any additional questions.

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Hello My cat just had babies and one of them has a red ball looking tight around her belly core is it a serious thing that I have to take her in to have the vet or is there’s anything I can do as a home remedy

You need to take the kitten into a vet immediately, this is a medical emergency. It looks like a herniation of the intestines, which cannot be treated at home. Please take her, your cat, and the other babies into a vet now

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My cat licked some margarine (butter) will he be okay??

A lick of margarine should result in nothing worse than minor stomach upset (vomiting or diarrhea). This can usually be managed at home with a short fast followed by a bland diet fed in small, frequent amounts until symptoms resolve.

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My cat is diabetic and has urinary issues - which cat food is the best for him - he is 15 years old

The best food for a cat with diabetes and urinary issues will always be a canned food diet. For diabetics, we try to keep their carbohydrates low. This is only possible with a canned food. I am attaching a link below to a list of canned foods which lists the carbohydrates (which are often not on the label). In general, I try to keep my diabetic patients in the 10-15% carbohydrate range if possible. Good luck! I hope that was helpful. Thanks for using Boop by Petco.

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