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27392 Questions

My cats nose is raw underneath her nostrils is red I thought it was from runny nose but could it be something else

Thank you for submitting your question regarding Lucy. I recommend that she sees her veterinarian. I agree that the lesion is more severe than what is typically seen with a runny nose. Her veterinarian may recommend an antibiotic trial or further testing to look for other causes such a a fungal infection or an autoimmune skin disease. I hope this information helps!

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My 16 lbs cat ate 15 dog chews of glucosamine 260 mg is he going to be ok

Simba may develop some stomach upset (vomiting and/or diarrhea). You may be able to manage it at home with a short fast followed by a bland diet fed in small, frequent amounts until symptoms resolve. Monitor for lethargy, loss of appetite, persistent vomiting or diarrhea and abdominal pain. These are symptoms that should be addressed by your veterinarian.

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Can I use Clear eyes eye drops on my 3 month old kitten? Her eyes are very red and watering

Hello and welcome to Boop by Petco. Human products that are natural tears such as Clear Eyes can be used, just be extra certain there are no medicinal ingredients. If the eyes are red and watering however, she might need medications and a visit to the vet is a good idea. As long as she isn't squinting, you can try the natural tears first, but if she isn't 100% by tomorrow then I would have her seen, or if she starts squinting then have her seen ASAP. Eyes will either get better or worse very quickly, so monitor them closely. Best of luck with Sassy!

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Are these catnip wooden cat chew sticks safe for cats

I'm not a fan of wooden things to give to cats. They can be too hard and possibly break teeth. The wood could splinter off, and cause problems in the GI tract. I personally would not give it to your cats.

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My 16-year old cat's eyes seemed to change all of a sudden. Her pupils are dilated very large and don't change in light. She seems a little confused, too, and like she can't see very well.

I would recommend that Monet see a veterinarian. Sudden onset of blindness and dilated pupils can be secondary to high blood pressure in older cats. They can suffer from hyperthyroidism or a heart disease called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Both of these geriatric cat problems can cause these changes with her eyes. Thank you for using Boop by Petco.

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Can I use batraban on my cats wound

I cannot see a wound on the photos of your cat, so I cannot tell you if Bactroban is the proper antibiotic to use for the type of wound your cat may have. Generally Bactroban (Mupirocin) is safe for use in cats. It may be a good idea to have your cat seen by your vet before applying ointment to the wound.

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Should I hiss at my cat when she does bad behaviour (playfully bite me)? I thought imitating another (mother) cat's hissing would be the right way to do it.

Good thought, but no, hissing will just confuse her because you're not a cat and you're not going to effectively communicating anything (expect that you're very confusing human and maybe a little scary). What you want to do when she is biting you is remove the fun, which is you. Get up and walk away. Don't keep playing with her after she bites. Good luck!

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Do I need to rush my cat to my vet if her nail quick is exposed?

Thank you for contacting Boop by Petco with your question about Phoebe. If she isn’t limping, it isn’t bleeding excessively, there is no sign of infection, and she’s acting normally, no you don’t need to rush her into a vet. I would have it checked out by a vet, but it’s not an emergency. If she is showing any of the things I mentioned above, then yes I would rush her into a vet. Keep her from licking at it, and keep the area clean and dry until she sees the vet. I hope this helps!

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What is the best flea treatment for a cat with sensitive skin? He is 7 years old, has a bald stomach from overgrooming over the years.

If Mojo has sensitive skin, then I would consider an oral flea preventative instead of a topical one. This handout has a link to all flea control products for cats. I would recommend trying Comfortis ( ). It is a chewable tablet that only needs to be given once a month. Another option may be the Seresto collar ( ) since that does not seem to be as irritating to cats with sensitive skin as the spot on treatments are. Good luck! I hope that was helpful. Thanks for using Boop by Petco.

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