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1024 Questions

Hello. I don't have water conditioner yet for my fish tank but may I add distilled water to the tank in the meantime?

Hi I don't recommend using distilled water in your tank as the "osmolarity" of the water can cause problems for your fish. Either pick up a bottle of water conditioner from a pet store or draw a large bucket of tap water and let it sit for 4 or 5 days. Some of the chemicals will evaporate out when left to sit, but it's not such an ideal option.

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My betta fish is turning white!please help!!

White formations on Bettas and other fish are typically an indicator of the condition Ich. You should be able to purchase medication that is placed within the water that may help with this condition. Here is a link to a page all about the condition and how best to manage the situation. Hope this helps!

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ok my gold fish wont stop bleeding from the gills i have two gold fish and thay arnt eating

Goldfish owners sometimes become concerned when they notice a red color inside a their pet’s gills and think they are bleeding which is not actually the case. This is not usually cause for concern. It is really hard for me to say without seeing them. Can you repost your question with a photo? That might assist us in helping you better. Not eating, however, is a huge problem. Environmental effects will alter a goldfish's eating patterns. These include unclean water, the presence of chlorine in its water, a dirty water filter or another dead fish in the tank with your goldfish. Check the water quality in your tank, making sure that you recently added water conditioner to your fish tank and the filter is working correctly. Look at the water in the tank, and check to make sure it is clear. Also look at the glass around your tank, checking to see if the glass is collecting stains or becoming discolored. Goldfish react negatively to food that is no longer good. Check the expiration date on your fish food and make sure it is up to date. Also, check the conditions where you keep the food in conjunction with the instructions on your fish food. Some fish food requires you to keep it at a certain temperature or away from direct light. Keep your fish food stored in a safe place, noting the specific needs of the food. If the fish are becoming ill this may reduce or eliminate the appetite. Look for symptoms of illness in your goldfish, such as any unnatural growths on its body, small white spots, raised scales or unnatural bloating. They may have inflamed gills, gills that flicker at an increased rate, bleeding on its body or rotting around its fins or gills. Look for behavioral changes, such as listless floating or constant hiding. If this is the case you may need to find a veterinarian to examine them. I hope this helps. Best wishes!

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why does my betta fish lay on it's side while resting at the bottom?

Bettas are not particularly active swimmers and it is not uncommon, especially for male Bettas to lie on their side. Keep in mind that male Bettas have large flowing finnage that are rather cumbersome to mange. Some Betta may rest tucked in between leaves of plants or aquarium décor to support their fins. That being said, it is important to always monitor water parameters to ensure ideal water conditions. Poor water quality including low or extremely high water temperatures can contribute to lethargy and overall lack of vitality. Be sure your Betta setup it properly filtered to ensure best living conditions.

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I am looking to give my dog natural treatment for scratching (no fleas present). I am going to bath her weekly with natural shampoo and add coconut oil to her diet but I've been told fish oil can also help with skin. Can Igive human fish oil to her and if so what dosage?

To be honest the efficacy of these remedies depends on the underlying cause of it. Fleas (ruled out), allergies and bacterial or mite infestations are among the most common causes of it. Unfortunately these are all treatable through medications (not natural but synthetic molecules). A good supplement with essential fatty acids is Coatex, fish oil is good as well but needs to be dosed quite accurately.

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I just cleaned and changed the water in my beta fish tank. I have 1 male beta fish. Afternoon putting him back in the tank with new water, he seems to be acting differently. His swimming seems to be frantic, he is at the top of the water a lot, he was searching the rocks along the bottom, and he has bumped into the tank walls a few times. Did I do something wrong with his tank? Could his water be too hot or did I not condition the water right?!? Is this normal or is there something wrong??

When performing water changes it is recommended to change about 15-25 %of the water. His helps keep some of the good bacteria in the water as well as decreases dramatic temperature changes which can cause significant stress on the body. I suspect that it is the temp change that is hard in him, however if a dechlorinator was not used in the water then that could be problematic as well. If you feel that is the case please Add a dechlorinator. I hope he improves!

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My betta fish look very sad and he sit at the bottom of the tank a lot. He's fins don't stand out as much, they are more bunched together. Is there anyway to help him?

I'm sorry to hear Paul us not his normal vibrant self. There could be many things going on, old age, poor water quality, disease...The first thing I would do is get his water tested, many pet stores offer this service for free. Additionally, betas do best in a tank that has heating and filtration. You may look at purchasing a 5-10 gallon tank with a filter and heater. This will ensure the water quality stays better than a standard beta bowl. Hope this helps.

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hello I have started giving my dog omega 3 fish oil which will help her with allegies as she has been on apoquel for a couple of weeks. How often per week should I give her these omega 3 tablets? Can I give her them twice a week for example?

Some fish oil supplements, such as DermCaps or EicosaCaps, can be given daily, others are given 2-3 times weekly. You will need to read the label of the product you have to determine a schedule. The dose and frequency will depend on the amount of Omega 3s in the capsules and your dog's body weight.

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Can a male Betta be in a 10 gallon aquarium with other fish?

Hi and thanks for using Boop by Petco! Good question. Most Betta sold in pet stores are males and no they cannot be housed with other fish species because they will fight the other fish. They are also housed in 1-2 gallon sized aquariums or smaller aquariums by themselves since they fight. Good luck with your fish.

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