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1024 Questions

I got a baby betta fish and was wondering how do I care for it : as in habitat , water changes , feeding and heating

Mushu is very cute! Betta care is very easy. Ideally, a 5 gallon tank should be used to house your Betta. A smaller tank can be used, but the maintenance (water changes) will be much more frequent. A filter is always recommended otherwise water changes will be required every few days to maintain water quality. With a filter, 20% water changes can be done weekly or every two weeks. Use only aged or conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent stress or shock. Choices for conditioners include AmQuel Plus, NovAqua, StressCoat, Prime or StressZyme. A small submersible heater is necessary since Bettas are tropical fish. They do best in slow moving water between 78F and 80F. You can feed a pelleted diet such as Hikari Micro Pellets until he grows bigger. Baby brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms and blackworms can also be fed. Feed one or twice daily. He should only need 2-3 pellets at each feeding. The conditioners and food can be found in the aquarium section of the local Petco. Please request a consultation to discuss care in greater depth or post another question in the Forum if necessary.

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Can dog eat fish eggs? I didn't find the answers in google so I'm asking you guys. We will boil it. Rohu eggs. Please do answer with proper reason. Thanks

Fully cooked fish eggs can be a good source of protein and a part of a balanced diet for dogs. They are not a sufficient sole source of nutrition. A dog eating only fish eggs will likely develop nutritional deficiencies. Raw fish eggs are likely to carry food born illnesses and should be avoided.

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I have a betta fish in a 3 gallon tank , does he need a heater ? And if so what's a good heater to use

The water temperature should range between 78F and 80F. You can use a submersible heater. Make sure it has an adjustable thermostat to control temperature. You should also have a thermometer in the tank to monitor water temp.

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My platies back fins are torn. She can't swim and won't eat. I moved them to an unfiltered tank from the other fish. Will the fins grow back? What should I do?

Keep her separate to prevent further damage. Maintain water quality via frequent water changes. Use only aged or conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent stress or shock. Platys do best around 78F. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of plain aquarium salt (NOT table salt) per gallon of water in a cup of tank water and gently pour it into the tank. This will reduce stress, treat minor infection and aid in recovery. You can also add StressCoat or StressZyme. Treat with salt for 10-14 days then reassess fin condition. The fin should grow back eventually, then you can return her to the main tank.

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What type of fish can I keep with my adult male betta fish, he is in a 3 gallon tank.

Most of the compatible fish are schooling fish that do best in groups of 4-8. This would include Neon Tetras, Ember Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras or White Cloud Minnows. That many fish may be too much for a 3 gallon tank. Other non-fish option include Ghost Shrimp, Zebra Snails or African Dwarf Frogs.

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How many times take to lay eggs for yellow parrot fish after digging sand process in aquarium tank with a pair ?

She may spawn (lay eggs) about once a month. The male will then pass over them and fertilize them. Most male parrotfish are infertile, so be prepared to not have any viable eggs. Unfertilized eggs will turn opaque or cloudy after a day or two due to fungal growth. If the parents don't eat them, remove them to prevent fouling the tank.

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My male betta fish is making bubbles.. What does that mean? I checked everything and he doesn't eat the tropical flakes or betta pellets. What can I do wrong? He constantly stare at the bubbles and make more and keep on focusing on making it...How will he eat?

Bettas use bubbles to make nests, even without a mate. Try feeding just a tiny bit or even skipping a day, as long as he is active, swimming, fins are not clamped. Overfeeding may contribute to his not going after the food when you put it in.

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How much time take for hatching eggs of yellow blood parrot fish after laid eggs ? And Anti fungus medicine prevent fungus to eggs if I dropped in tanks Aquadene gill fungus parasite special medicine ?

The fry should emerge within 4 days of egg laying. Any egg that turns white or cloudy is infertile and should be removed (if it isn't eaten first). Methylene blue can be used safely to keep eggs free of fungus.

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My seven month old German Shepherd has been really itchy lately and I have now noticed his skin flaking like this, is this just dry skin or something worse that needs checked out. I recently started him on fish oil to hopefully relieve his dry skin. Thank you for your help, Robert Moody

It looks like Sam may have a bit of a skin infection. The itchiness may be from allergies, mites or some type of irritation. I would recommend bringing Sam to a veterinarian to have them fully evaluate his skin. He may need an antibiotic, shampoo and antihistamines to help. I hope Sam feels better soon and thank you for using Boop by Petco!

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