Vet QA Pagination
1024 Questions

My fish has got stuck in the filter, I have released her from the filter but she is breathing heavily and has damaged her tail. She’s gone to the bottom of the tank, is not moving or eating. I have put her in a separate tank so the other fish do not bother her. Her tail is red and looks like it’s filled with blood. What can I do to help her?

Keep her in the hospital tank until she heals. maintain adequate water quality and temperature via frequent water changes, filtration and the use of a small, submersible heater. Plain aquarium salt (NOT table or Epsom salt) can be used as a general tonic to reduce stress, increase gill function, treat minor infection and aid in recovery. Dissolve up to 1 teaspoon of salt per gallon of water. Treat for 10-14 days then reassess fin condition.

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My 4 yo cat - I recently discovered a scab in front of her ear. Since I've noticed it I've also noticed her scratching it. In the photos it looks wet bc I've applied Vetericyn Plus hydrogel anti itch. She JUST visited the vet last week for a full checkup and vaccines, it wasn't there then, nor did he find fleas/mites/ anything IN her ear. Could she have caught mites from the vet? Could it be an allergic reaction to Rabies or Feline distemper vaccine? Fish dryfood I first bought 3 mo ago?

I see what you mean about the scab on Breeze. It could be she has an ear infection, and those can be caused by bacteria or yeast, not only ear mites. It's unlikely she got ear mites from the vet. I also do not think it's an allergic reaction to her vaccines. That would have occurred quite closely after the vaccine was administered. Finally given that she has been on her food for three months, I don't think it's due to the food. It could also be she injured herself. I would put an Ecollar on her to keep her from scratching at it (I will put a link below on how to make one at home), and keep an eye on her. If she keeps try to scratching at her ear, or the scab appears infected (red, swollen, warm to the touch, pus), then take her back into the vet. Best of luck, I hope this helps!

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My dog has eaten a dead fish at the beach and has been vomiting for the past hour, he has vomited the fish back up. What is the best thing to do now?

Hi, thanks for using Boop by Petco! Poor Murray! If he keeps vomiting he needs to be seen by a Vet for medications to stop the vomiting. With hold water for 6 hours and food for 24 hours. If there is no vomiting in the 6 hours offer shallow water only sips at a time. If he holds water down off a bland diet of boiled chicken or hamburger with rice at the 24 hour mark. Feed 1 cup per 20 lbs per day. If he refuses to eat, continues to vomit and is extremely lethargic he needs to be seen. Good luck!

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I'm doing a project for school about fish and here are some questions I have: What kind of fish is easiest to take care of? What size tank should someone start out with? What are some things people don't know about fish? What are the most common reasons that fish die? What do you wish people knew about fish? Any other information?

Guppies or Neons are excellent "starter" fish. Care is simple and they are inexpensive. A standard 10 gallon tank is recommended to start. Most people don' t realize the amount of "work" needed to maintain a tank. Filter maintenance, monitoring water chemistry, water changes, monitoring fish health and providing a balanced diet are just a few items that need regular attention to keep a tank thriving. Even though fish aren't as cuddly as cats and dogs, they do have their own personalities and even respond to their owners, especially at feeding time! Studies have shown that simply watching fish in a tank can lead to a reduction in both heart rate and blood pressure. It is quite relaxing.

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Hello! I just got a betta fish yesterday, and i wanted to make sure he is happy in his tank. He is in a 2.5 gallon tank, with a filter, (no heater) with two snails (1 nerite snail and one assassin) how big should the tank be, and what do i need for him to live long? Thanks!

A 2.5 gallon tank is fine for a Betta and 2 snails. If you have artificial plants, use ones made of silk instead of plastic which can harm delicate fins. You'll need a heater also. Bettas are tropical fish and do best between 78 F and 80 F.

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My pair of parrot chichlid are doing unusual thing they are holding each others mouth just like kissing each other after some time my pair of angel fish also started doing the same what's going on (they are just doing like lip lock) what's going on and also they are trying to hold each others back body at the same time..?????????

Cichlids will "lip wrestle" as part of their mating ritual or when acting aggressively. This is normal as long as you have breeding pairs. If they are males, consider separating them or increasing the size of the tank to prevent injury.

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Can my dog eat cooked fresh fish from the market like milk fish and cream dory ? thanks

Yes, Butter can eat cooked deboned fresh fish as long as it is not cooked in oil which can cause pancreatitis and is not cooked with garlic or onions which can be toxic to dogs. Steaming, baking or grilling is preferable. As with humans, avoid feeding too much fish that could be high in mercury content such as swordfish. It is still recommended to primarily feed her a high quality balanced dog food. Definitely avoid feeding raw fish due to risks of parasites and salmonella poisoning. Butter’s a lucky dog!

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I need to know what temperature is good for my baby turtle. Please help me figure that out. I've been told left and right by different people that she needs 75 to 80 degrees in her Aquarium. And then a guy in a pet store tells me she needs her water room temperature. What really is the right temperature for my baby turtle?

Thanks for reaching out about Xena and including photos. The water temperature should be in the mid-70s but the basking site should reach 85-90 F with UVB exposure. If too cold, digestion, immune system and all metabolic processes are suppressed. Good luck.

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My 45 lb dog got into my fish oil pills and ate about 25-30 of them. Will she be ok?

If it has been less than 2 hours since your pet ingested the foreign material, you can induce vomiting by giving an oral dose of hydrogen peroxide, about 1 cc per pound. One tablespoon is about 5 cc. A turkey baster will work if you don't have a syringe. Longer than two hours and it will have already moved into the intestines. Generally, even without the induction of vomiting, your dog is likely to have diarrhea and other intestinal upset from eating so much fish oil at once. Be aware that one of the effects of fish oil in the body is to act as a blood thinner. I have seen dogs ingest much more than your dog did and do fine, but if your dog becomes lethargic, loses her appetite, starts vomiting, please get her seen by your vet right away.

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