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1024 Questions

Is it okay to give fish oil supplement to pregnant dog?

As long as the particular product is low in heavy metals (most human grade and veterinary brands are), then a fish oil supplement can be given. The high levels of DHA in fish oil may be beneficial to pre-natal development.

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Is 1,000 mg. Of fish oil containing 300 mg of EPA and DHA from a Kirkland brand fish oil ok for an 18 pound dog? please explain.

Yes, that is fine to give once a day. I recommend a maximum of 750 mg of fish oil per 10 lbs of body weight in a dog. That brand if fine to give. I highly recommend using an omega 3 supplement like this to reduce joint pain and inflammation, and it will help the skin and coat also. Thanks for using Boop by Petco to help you care for Chloe.

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My goldfish can't close it's mouth. He is eating and swimming normally, but he keeps his mouth open all the time. What can I do?

eIf you can, look in the mouth for foreign bodies (gravel, food, etc), tumor or any redness, swelling or discharge. You should also check water chemistry. If ammonia or nitrites are elevated, perform daily partial water changes to stabilize chemistry and maintain water quality. Use only aged or conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent further stress or shock. Goldfish do best in cooler waters, between 65F and 72F. Trauma is also a possibility. A fractured or dislocated jaw can be the result of hitting the glass or tank furniture or from bullying. Swelling from infection is also a possibility. Monitor for redness, bruising, lethargy or loss of appetite. A broad spectrum antibiotic can be used if necessary. Find one, such as maracyn or kanaplex, in the aquarium section of the local pet or fish store. Follow label directions carefully and remove the carbon filter insert during treatment if indicated. Maintaining adequate water quality and parameters will aid in any healing. Plain aquarium salt (NOT table salt) can be used as a general tonic. It will reduce stress, improve gill function, aid in recovery and may help treat minor infection. Dissolve 1 teaspoon per gallon of water in a cup of tank water and gently pour it into the tank. Treat for 10-14 days. When performing water changes, treat only the amount of water being replaced with salt, not the entire tank volume.

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I clean my fish tank because it got really cloudy I put in all the drops that are supposed to. Woke up the next morning and three of my fish were dead. So I clean my water again and put the remaining fish back in it. But my fish tank is cloudy once again what should I do?

This cloudiness is likely due to a bacterial bloom. This can happen if a tank is not properly cycled. Changing the water may make the condition worse. The fish could have been killed by elevated ammonia or nitrite levels. Use a home test kit or submit a water sample for testing. Most pet or fish stores will do this for free or for a nominal fee. If it is a new tank, allow it to properly cycle. This can take 4 or more weeks for the beneficial bacteria to populate the tank and filter. Once ammonia and nitrites are at 0.25 ppm (parts per million) or less and nitrates are at 40ppm or less, you can add fish. Goldfish are cold water fish and do best between 65 F and 72 F. They also need a larger aquarium than most fish. 20 gallons per fish plus an additional 10 gallons for each additional fish is recommended. They produce a larger than normal bio load which can quickly foul water, so a filter rated for at least twice the tank volume is strongly recommended as well.

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My 12 year old black lab had pancreatitis 3 years ago. He recovered completely and has been on a prescription low fat diet ever since. Is it OK to give him fish oil supplements?

Thanks for using Boop by Petco! This I will tell you from a medical standpoint but also from experience as my Golden Retriever has a history of chronic pancreatitis. When it comes to it, it is really hard to know what may trigger an episode of pancreatitis. For that reason, I would encourage you to avoid this. The reason is that fish oil can be a bit hard on the gastrointestinal system especially for a dog like ours that is a bit sensitive. I have been debating about starting my dog on fish oil and have decided not to for this reason. It is possible that he will be fine though I would suggest you avoid it. Good luck!

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My cat gave birth a week ago. After giving birth, she became picky on food and thinner than the usual. I usually give her homemade food and dry cat food. She doesn't eat well like she used to, even if I give her fish or the dry food. She just eats she has no other choice. And I tried to squeeze a nipple but no milk came out unlike before. Is it because of her lack of appetite? What should I do?

She may not be feeling well or have an infection. You should take Minggay and her kittens to your veterinarian for an exam. You should also feed her with kitten food now as she will need the extra nutrition. Try some canned kitten food.

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My goldfish's tail is damaged. The fin looks bitten off as there are exposed spines where the tail fin should be. There is also a red color that looks to be blood on the base of the tail, as well as the side of the dorsal fin close to the tail. It is also wiggling it's tail frantically when swimming.

By your description, it could be fin rot and a bacterial infection.  Clean water is key in treating any infection. Check water chemistry using a home test kit or by submitting a water sample for testing. Aim for 0 ppm ammonia and nitrites with a 40ppm or less nitrate level. Perform partial water changes to stabilize chemistry and maintain water quality. Use only aged or conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent stress or shock. A bit of aquarium salt (NOT table or Epsom salt) can be used as a general tonic to reduce stress, treat minor infection and aid in any recovery. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt per gallon of water in a cup of tank water and gently pour it into the tank. Treat for 10-14 days then reassess fin condition. More water changes can be done afterwards to reduce salinity.

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Oscar Was laying on the bottom of the tank but when I tried to get the fish he would swim perfectly

This is normal behavior for Oscars. They will lay down on occasion. Check the water temperature and water chemistry. If everything is within range and he is behaving normally otherwise, then there is likely no cause for concern.

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My dog has dry, flaky skin and patches of lost hair. We have him taking fish oil, he is grain free, and I rub him down with cocoa butter for the dry parts. Is this something more than just dry skin?

Hi there and thank you for using Boop by Petco to address your concern. Brutus could be suffering from a skin allergy or other primary skin condition such as seborrheic dermatitis. I would recommend the below following products, which can all be found online quite easily. I would use these for at least 4-6 weeks before considering something else. This could potentially be related to the diet as well. If there is no improvement with the products below, I would recommend a diet trial with one of the foods listed below as well. These foods will require a prescription so you will need to discuss them with your veterinarian. I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns and I would be more than happy to help you further. 1. Douxo PS Calm shampoo and bathe twice weekly until resolved then every other week for maintenance 2. Malacetic conditioning spray and apply to the affected area 2-3 times per day until resolved 3. Krillex shed free chews 4. Essential 6 spot on by Dermoscent 5. Royal Canin Ultamino or Hills Z/D

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