I'm doing a project for school about fish and here are some questions I have: What kind of fish is easiest to take care of? What size tank should someone start out with? What are some things people don't know about fish? What are the most common reasons that fish die? What do you wish people knew about fish? Any other information?

Updated On February 23rd, 2019

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Guppies or Neons are excellent "starter" fish. Care is simple and they are inexpensive. A standard 10 gallon tank is recommended to start. Most people don' t realize the amount of "work" needed to maintain a tank. Filter maintenance, monitoring water chemistry, water changes, monitoring fish health and providing a balanced diet are just a few items that need regular attention to keep a tank thriving. Even though fish aren't as cuddly as cats and dogs, they do have their own personalities and even respond to their owners, especially at feeding time! Studies have shown that simply watching fish in a tank can lead to a reduction in both heart rate and blood pressure. It is quite relaxing.

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