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1024 Questions

Hi, i have 1 betta and 5 neon Tetras in a 20l aquarium I have them for a while and they now seem to be gasping for air at the top, water is great because I just did a water change 2days ago and I’m doing one right know just to make sure everything is okay, but I don’t know what’s wrong with them..

Gasping at the surface indicates poor water quality or low oxygenation. Check the chemistry, especially ammonia and nitrite levels. Ideally, you want them to be 0 ppm. Use only aged or conditioned water that is temperature matched for water changes. This will prevent stress or shock. If the chemistry is fine, check the temperature and consider adding in an air stone or bubble wand to increase oxygenation.

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Can I feed a snake with chicken meat, or fish meat? Because i want to buy one but I don't want to feed it with mice. If I can't feed it with something else I will not buy one.

It depends on what the snake has been eating already. If the previous owner/breeder feeds live mice/food, then the snake will most likely eat dead food. Some snakes can be trained to eat dead food but it can take some time. Some will never convert to dead/frozen food. You may want to consider getting another type of reptile that does not eat mice. Most snakes will not eat chicken or fish meat. I hope this has helped. Thanks for using pet coach.

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I bought my beta fish about two weeks ago from you guys. Lately, he has really only been surface breathing. He's lost a lot of color primarily in near the face, and his bottom "skinny" fin. He looks swollen right there too. His face is white, and it looks like he is missing scales by his eye. Near the back, he's got a weird brownish spot, and another one under his side fins. Not sure what is wrong with him.

Check the water quality and chemistry. In a small bowl without a filter, regular water changes will be necessary to maintain water quality. Poor water quality or imbalances in chemistry can predispose a fish to stress and illness. Ideally, water should have 0ppm ammonia and nitrites with a 40ppm or less nitrate level. The temperature for Bettas should range between 78F and 80F. When performing water changes, use only aged or conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent stress or shock. Bettas are air breathers, so it is common to see them surfacing for air.

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If the fish are moved from the main tank into a quarantine tank and the ich falls off in the quarantine tank how does the exsisting ich fall off and not reattach itself to the fish that are quarantined?

When there is an ich infection, it is necessary to treat the entire tank, even the fish that are not symptomatic. Ich has 3 distinct stages in the life cycle. Tomites, the free swimming stage, are most vulnerable to treatment. Once on the fish or encapsulated in the substrate, ich is very difficult to treat. A combination of increased water temp, aquarium salt and commercial medication can be used to treat ich. The increased water temp, 86F, will significantly speed up the lifecycle. It can take 1-2 weeks to treat minor infections and longer for more severe infections.

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What's the recommended dose for coconut oil? I've read it's anywhere from 1/2-1 tsp per 10 lbs. my dog weighs 17 pounds and I've been giving her 1/4 tsp. Once per day. Will I still get the benefits at this dose? She also gets 1/4 tsp. Of fish oil daily, so that's 20 calories of oil which is about 8% of her diet. It seems like any more oil would be too much for her? Is what I'm doing ok?

There are no proven benefits of administering coconut oil to dogs orally or topically. However, there are risks of feeding dogs additional fatty foods and oils, such as the development of pancreatitis and anecdotal reports of causing coronary artery disease. I never recommend feeding coconut oil in any volume due to the risks and lack of benefit.

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my dog is a pit bull terrier she is itching and scratching her hair i have her on 1000 mg of fish oil daily but she is still itching and scratching can you please advise me what to do

Your poor pup! This scratching can be caused by fleas, mites, ringworm, or allergies. If she isn't up to date on her flea treatment, she will need a spot on treatment such as Advantage or Revolution. You will need to disinfect the environment as well. If she is up to date on his flea treatment, I recommend taking her into your vet for an exam. Your vet can do blood tests, skin scrapings, and use a Wood's lamp to diagnose allergies, mites, and ringworm. Once the cause of the itching is found, your vet can prescribe the appropriate treatment. I recommend taking her into the vet today or tomorrow.

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Is it possible to keep wild caught saltwater fish as pets?

Yes it is possible, however, unless you have a lot of experience keeping saltwater fish, please do not even attempt it. Most wild caught saltwater fish will not feed when they are in an aquarium, and only a small percentage will ever learn to feed. Please leave them where they are happy and healthy and where they belong, the sea.

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how do I add a heater to my aquarium? Do I remove the fish and wait till it reaches the desired temperature and Acclimate the fish then re add him or Do I put him in after adding the heater while the heater is heating up ? Which is safest ? Thank you!

I would recommend using an aquarium thermometer to check the starting temperature and that the heater is working correctly. The heater should have a thermostat which switches on and off to keep the temperature constant. You can leave your fish in the tank during this process if you can monitor with a thermometer.

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Hi, I was wondering if my Dwarf Gourami fish are male or female and why one keeps chasing the other and nipping at it?

Dwarf gouramis can be very territorial. If your tank is not big enough, one will chase the other. Removing one fish or transfer to a larger tank may be necessary. You can determine sex by looking at the dorsal fin. The male's dorsal fin is pointed, while the female's is rounded or curved.

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