If the fish are moved from the main tank into a quarantine tank and the ich falls off in the quarantine tank how does the exsisting ich fall off and not reattach itself to the fish that are quarantined?

Updated On January 31st, 2018

Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish | Male | unneutered

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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When there is an ich infection, it is necessary to treat the entire tank, even the fish that are not symptomatic. Ich has 3 distinct stages in the life cycle. Tomites, the free swimming stage, are most vulnerable to treatment. Once on the fish or encapsulated in the substrate, ich is very difficult to treat. A combination of increased water temp, aquarium salt and commercial medication can be used to treat ich. The increased water temp, 86F, will significantly speed up the lifecycle. It can take 1-2 weeks to treat minor infections and longer for more severe infections.

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