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1488 Questions

My lizard just fell from a couch to the hardwood floor. What do I need to watch for?

Hello! I’m sorry Lizzie had a fall. First, look her over for any asymmetry in her face, mouth, spine and legs. Watch her breathing and ability to walk normally. She may not be too keen on being handled right away, so let her rest in her enclosure for a time and observe her undisturbed. If you’re worried about her ability to walk or balance, remove any branches or platforms. If you see any discoloration, blood, asymmetry, weakness, signs of trauma or fracture, then have her seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Otherwise, it’s fine to keep a close eye on her and just let her rest. Offer food as normal, but realize if she’s in pain she may not want to eat. Good luck!

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My baby Mississippi Map Turtle will only eat mealworms and refuses to eat anything else. What Can I do to encourage him to eat his pellets?

Make sure temps are high enough for him. Low temps can affect appetite and digestion in reptiles. Withhold mealworms for a day then offer bits of pellets. You can grind up mealworms and coat the pellets before feeding. Offer other prey as well. Make sure they aren't too big and gut load them for 24 hours prior to offering to maximize nutritional value.

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Hi there my new hermann tortoise has a black dot on its head and two black dots on each side of her face is this notmal?

The "dots" on the sides of his head may be his tympanic membrane that covers the auditory canal. The spot on top may be local infection or a smudge of dirt or food. Use a moist cotton swab and gently wipe it. Since Shelby is new to you, a physical exam with your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles would be recommended. This exam can confirm good health or may diagnose any pre existing conditions.

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I’ve had my turtle for several years and just recently it started laying eggs. It’s an only turtle. Is this normal? What should I do?

Yes, this is normal. When a female is gravid, or carrying eggs, you will need to provide an appropriate nesting area so she can lay them properly. A female RES can lay eggs without the presence of a male so the eggs will not be fertilized. She should instinctively want to create a nest and lay a clutch of eggs. A clutch may contain over twenty eggs for a healthy, full-grown female. If environmental conditions are right, she may lay around 3 or 4 clutches in a season. This website should give you all the information you need. Hope this helps. If you have more questions feel free to post again! Best wishes!

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Can I use anti ich and anti chlorine in turtle aquarium? I have 2 red eared sliders

You shouldn't need anti ich medication for your sliders. The water conditioner (anti chlorine) is always a good idea if you use water from a municipal source. My personal preference for water conditioners are AmQuel Plus, NovAqua and StressCoat. You can purchase them online or in the local pet store. Be sure the water is no deeper than twice the length of the shell. You can read more about slider care here:

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How do you remove calcium and other mineral deposits from hard water on a shell of a red ear slider turtle?

Use a soft bristled brush to gently scrub areas. Heavy deposits can be scraped gently with the edge of a spoon. If you can treat the water, that may prevent deposits. A bit of algae growth may also "soften" the water as will powerful filtration. A filter rated for 3-4 times the volume of the tank may remove enough minerals to decrease accumulations.

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I have an adult bearded dragon that I adopted. I believe he is overweight. How many crickets and meal worms should i be feeding him daily?

Typically, only juvenile bearded dragons need to eat crickets and mealworms. Adult beardies should do just fine on a diet of high-quality vegetables such as kale, dark-leaf lettuce, carrots, bell peppers etc. If you are concerned about cutting out the insects, then start by eliminating the mealworms. These are extremely high in fat and are like candy for beardies. If you continue to be concerned about his weight, you should take Phoenix to the veterinarian for a check up. You can find a reptile specific veterinarian at

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i have a star tortoise he doesn't drink water...after that suggest me what kind of nutrition food i give to them for a good growth

A star tortoise will readily drink standing water. Provide a shallow bowl of fresh water. Clean and refill the bowl daily. Confirm proper temps in the enclosure. Star tortoises do best in temps between 80 F and 90 F with a basking area of 95 F. Temperature plays an important role in appetite and activity. If he doesn't drink, you can soak him once or twice weekly in warm water or a 50/50 solution of water and unflavored PediaLyte. Soaks can last between 15-30 minutes. Star tortoises require a high fiber diet that is rich in calcium. Feed a varied diet including grasses, vegetables and greens for optimal growth. Grasses that can be fed include, fescue, blue grass, mature alfalfa or Bermuda grass. Vegetables offered can be pumpkin, squash, peas, mushroom or bell peppers. Greens include collard/turnip/mustard greens, dandelions, escarole and grape leaves. The above foods make up a partial list of acceptable items. It is by no means all inclusive. If your tortoise does not begin drinking on his own, consider an exam with an experienced herp veterinarian.

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Hi, my tortoise seems to have an injury or small infection on one of his eyes - on the bottom eyelid. I can attach a picture. What is the best course of action?

Most eye conditions in tortoises are due to vitamin A deficiency. I would recommend taking Ivor to an exotic vet specialist in order to get it checked and treated, he will need a vitamin injection as well as vitamin A eye drops.

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