My bearded dragon Spyro has been developing a crust over his left eye for the last month or so. Small bits of crust have occasionally fallen out but then they immediately come back a day later. He would open his eye for the most part over the last 3 weeks but now his eye is completely shut with a little visible crust poking out of the eye. If you can give me any suggestions on what could be causing this or what I can do for him please let me know. Thank you.
Sometimes, the eyes will appear bulged just before shedding. This happens to both eyes though, not just one. Spyro's eye appears to be infected. This can be due to trauma, retained shed or foreign body (sand, wood, etc.). Ideally, Spyro should be examined by your veterinarian or an experienced herp veterinarian. The eye can be stained to diagnose corneal injury and flushed to remove any debris. If there is a retained eye cap, the vet may be able to remove it.
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