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Hi I’m a new owner of two baby red eared slider turtles one is about 1 1/2 inches and the other is 2 inches. Their shells are slightly soft towards their tail and their bellies are also slightly soft I don’t know if it’s because they’re still so small or not. The 2 inch one has these spots on its shell and I can’t tell if it’s shell rot and also fear that it’s shell may be pyramiding.

I don't think this is anything to worry about. This does not look like shell rot - appears to be a scrape. She may be pyramiding. It is hard to tell from the photo angle. You can't reverse it, but you can prevent it from worsening by making sure the diet is 100% correct, as well as the rest of the husbandry. You can refer to this link: ( )

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This dark patch just appeared we aren’t sure what it is, this a 2 year old leopard gecko

Thanks for reaching out about Keet and including a photo. If you are referring to the area over the left shoulder, that could be a bruise or contusion. If not affecting gait, continue to monitor. If off food, seems in pain, a veterinary visit is recommended to assess and review diet/husbandry. Good luck.

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Does my turtle have a skin disease ?

It does appear to be an infection, injury or abnormal tissue. Ideally, Rock should be physically examined by your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles. The specific treatment will depend on the diagnosis. A bacterial infect will require antibiotics, a fungal infection will need anti-fungals. If it is abnormal tissue, a biopsy maybe needed to diagnose it. For now, maintain pristine water quality and proper environmental parameters. Make sure she continues to eat and behave normally.

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What morph is my leopard gecko?

It looks like a type of hypo leopard gecko morph. Some of the hypos have more specific names, so this is a guideline. Also, some leopard geckos will change colors as they age, and it looks like from your description that Night Hawk is young. I hope that answers your question, and thanks for using Boop by Petco.

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Tip of my bearded dragon's tail is falling off what do I do?

If you can see bone, Alduin will need to be examined by your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles. The tip may need amputation to prevent infection. Keep the cage clean to prevent contamination by stool. Keep him hydrated and make sure he is eating.

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My snake has become very aggressive after biting me once, it use to be very sweet and calm. Now when i walk past the cage or try to pick or handle it , it strikes .

Ball pythons are typical not very aggressive unless it is a female protecting her eggs. Also, juveniles can be a bit mouthy but they typically outgrow it with regular handling and as they mature. Reedus may be stressed. Survey the area in and around the enclosure for any negative stimuli. This may include loud noises, strong vibrations, bright lights or high traffic. Reduce or eliminate any if found. Provide a hide on each side of the enclosure. If Reedus will allow, handle him/her for ever increasing periods of time. You can place a small article of your clothing in the enclosure to get him/her used to your scent. If the behavior persists, consider an exam with your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles to diagnose illness or injury. Either can cause a sudden change in behavior.

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Hello my baby bearded dragon is a little scared of me and some times puff up and tries to bite my could you please give me some tips on how i can get him comfortable with me like the dragons on you tube thanks

This is common with beardies that are stressed or don't want to be handled. I would try to approach him slowly and try to handle him daily. When handling him, try to feed him some of his favorite worms/treats to help him warm up to you. To become really comfortable, they need to be handled regularly but try not to hold him all day every day as he needs to be in his environment with proper lighting and heat. I hope this helps!

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My female leopard gecko is ovulating but I don’t know if she would be egg bounded. How would I know if it’s egg bound? Here is a picture and I’d love for you to tell me if she would be egg bounded or would be fine? Thank you so much

An egg bound gecko will be lethargic, won't eat and may continue to strain in an effort to lay eggs. The key to prevention is to minimize stress, provide proper environmental parameters and diet and provide a lay box or area for her to deposit her eggs when she is ready. You can read more about egg binding at the link below.

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I have 2 musk turtles, not sure of the gender but one is a lot bigger than the other one. The little one hasn't been growing much, I'm not too sure why. I've noticed recently that it has stopped eating. I separate the two when they eat so they get enough food. I have appropriate lighting and heater for the turtles.

If the tank is large enough, the two could be kept IF they get along. Musk turtles can be aggressive, even with other musk turtles, so you'll need to monitor for any aggression. That said, if there is a significant size difference, they should be separated for the safety of both of them. You may find the smaller one will eat better and grow more if housed alone. Males can be differentiated from females by comparing tails. Males will have a thicker, longer tale than females. You can confirm species specific environmental parameters by reading the article at the link below.

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