Native to Australia, cockatiels are small members of the parrot family known for the tuft of feathers on top of their head, called a crest. Cockatiels raise and lower their crests depending on their mood—raised when they are excited or curious and pressed flat against their heads when they are stressed. A relaxed cockatiel typically holds their crest feathers somewhere between raised and flat and may gently grind their beak when content.
Care Difficulty | Beginner |
Average Life Span | Up to 25 years with proper care |
Average Adult Size | 11–14 inches, from head to end of tail |
Diet | Herbivorous |
Minimum Habitat Size | 24” W x 24” D x 30” H |
Provide the largest habitat possible for your cockatiel. The minimum size of habitat for one cockatiel is approximately 24” W x 24” D x 30” H, with metal bars spaced no greater than 1/2” apart so that birds can’t escape or get stuck. Commercially available habitats are generally made with stainless steel bars (either with or without a nontoxic coating). Homemade habitats or those made of wood or galvanized wire are not recommended because birds can chew on them and ingest potentially toxic chemicals.
Cockatiels acclimate well to average household temperatures between 65°F and 80°F; be cautious of extreme temperature changes. Habitats should be placed off the floor in a well-lit area away from drafts and inaccessible to other pets, including curious cats and dogs. Ensure no habitat parts or toys are made with lead, zinc, other potentially toxic heavy metals, lead-based paints or galvanized parts, as these can cause serious medical issues if birds ingest them.
Spot clean the habitat daily, removing discarded food and droppings on perches. Thoroughly wash and dry food bowls daily. Replace substrate or habitat liner weekly or more often as needed, especially if the habitat houses more than one bird.
Regularly clean and disinfect your cockatiel’s habitat and perches by:
Replace perches, dishes and toys when worn or damaged; rotate new toys into the habitat regularly to help avoid boredom.
To feed your cockatiel a well-balanced diet:
Things to remember when feeding your cockatiel:
Cockatiels are available at select Petco stores. Call your local location ahead of time to ensure availability.
Cockatiels can be kept alone to bond with their pet parent or in pairs or larger groups to bond with each other. Different types of birds should not be housed together.
Red flags (contact your veterinarian if you notice these signs)
Health Issue | Symptoms or Causes | Suggested Action |
Health Issue Chlamydiosis (psittacosis or parrot fever) | Symptoms or Causes Appetite loss, fluffed feathers, nasal discharge, lethargy, swollen abdomen, sneezing, labored breathing, lime green feces, conjunctivitis | Suggested Action Seek immediate avian veterinary attention |
Health Issue Conjunctivitis | Symptoms or Causes Red eyes, tearing, closed, puffy eyes; may be due to bacterial, viral or other infectious organisms | Suggested Action Consult your veterinarian and wipe your bird’s eyes with warm water |
Health Issue Diarrhea | Symptoms or Causes Fecal portion of stool not formed; has multiple causes, from change in diet to internal parasites | Suggested Action Consult your veterinarian and ensure proper diet |
Health Issue Egg binding | Symptoms or Causes Swollen abdomen, straining to pass droppings, bloody droppings, lethargy, decreased appetite, labored breathing, laying soft-shelled or shell-less eggs | Suggested Action Seek immediate veterinary attention |
Health Issue Night frights | Symptoms or Causes Episodes of violent, uncontrolled wing flapping and screeching at night | Suggested Action Turn on the light and speak softly to bird to help calm them; call your veterinarian if your bird’s episode does not stop or if episodes are frequent |
How long does a cockatiel live?
A cockatiel can live up to 25 years with proper care and nutrition.
What do cockatiels eat?
Cockatiels primarily eat a nutritionally complete and balanced pelleted diet made for cockatiels, plus smaller amounts of vegetables and fruits, with seeds as an occasional treat.
What vegetables can cockatiels eat?
Cockatiels can eat most vegetables except avocados, onions and garlic.
What fruits can cockatiels eat?
Cockatiels can eat most fruits, except fruit seeds and pits.
How do I tame a cockatiel?
By speaking softly to and gently handling your cockatiel daily, as well as rewarding them with their favorite food and treats for stepping on to your hand, you can socialize your cockatiel and create a bond over time.
How do I clip a cockatiel’s wings?
Wings should be trimmed only by a trained professional or person taught how to properly trim feathers; otherwise, your bird may become seriously injured. To clip a cockatiel’s wings properly, the outermost 5 primary feathers should be trimmed to a level just below the covert feathers on the inside of the wings. The goal is to trim short enough so that the bird does not get lift but not so short that it drops like a weight. Newly emerged feathers (called blood feathers because they have blood in the shaft, which eventually recedes as the feather matures) should not be trimmed, or the bird will bleed.
How do I bathe a cockatiel?
Water dishes should be large enough for birds to bathe in. Birds who don’t bathe regularly can be misted a few times a week with warm water from a plant mister to help maintain healthy plumage.
How can I tell a cockatiel’s gender?
With the common gray cockatiel, males and females can be distinguished. Males have deeper gray body feathers and brighter orange cheek feathers than females, who are more muted orangish gray. Females also have gray barring (horizontal stripes) on the undersides of their tails. Barring is present in both genders until six months of age; after that, only females retain it. Males also have solid-colored gray feathers on the underside of wings, versus the gray with white or yellow spots in females.
How long does it take for cockatiel eggs to hatch?
If an egg is fertile, it takes an average of 20 days for a cockatiel to incubate (sit on) it before it hatches.
Ask a Pet Care Center associate about Petco’s selection of products available for the care and happiness of your new pet. All private brand products carry a 100% money-back guarantee.
Because all birds are potential carriers of infectious diseases, such as chlamydiosis (also called psittacosis or parrot fever), always wash your hands before and after handling your bird or habitat contents to help prevent the potential spread of disease.
Pregnant women, children under the age of 5, senior citizens and people with weakened immune systems should contact their physicians before purchasing or caring for birds and should consider having a pet other than a bird.
Go to for more information about birds and disease.
Note: The information in this care sheet is not a substitute for veterinary care. If you need additional information, please contact your veterinarian.
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