Anchor had a nail in his hoof and I had an equine vet come and take it out she gave me some injections to give him I have to inject him in his rump but I'm scared he might kick me when injecting him I watched the vet do it and she didn't get kicked and anchor didn't even move but I'm still to scared is there anywhere els I can give it to him I don't like being near his backlegs there so powerful and I don't wanna get kicked

Updated On April 10th, 2017

Pet's info: Farm Animal | Horse | Male | unneutered | 2 years and 3 months old

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Answered By Jennifer Summerfield, DVM CPDT-KA

Veterinarian, Certified Dog Trainer

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I can definitely understand your concerns! For an intramuscular injection, many horse owners prefer to inject into the neck muscles rather than the hindquarters for this reason :) Here is a good video by an equine vet demonstrating how to give an injection in the neck muscle, which may be a safer option for you: I would recommend first calling your vet to make sure it's okay with them to use the neck instead of the rump, just to make sure there wasn't some specific reason that they would prefer the rump for the particular medication Anchor is on. But for most antibiotic injections, it shouldn't make any difference.

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