My female budgie laid 6 egg. After incubating for 19 days, I noticed 2 cracks on 1 egg. It been 24 hrs since i saw the cracks and the egg still hasn't hatch. What does this mean? Please help asap. Thanks.

Updated On April 15th, 2017

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Female

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Answered By Andrea M. Brodie, DVM


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The eggs will only hatch if they have chicks in them, ie were fertile. This would only be possible if your female was with a male. Usually the eggs should hatch after 18 full days of incubation. You should inspect the egg with the crack. The chick may be too weak to open the shell and you may have to help by opening the crack a bit. and see if the chick is still alive. If so you can open the egg more if the chick is not able to open it by itself.

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