I have just purchased a whites tree frog from petco. I was wondering if my 29 gallon long tank 30x12x12 is suitable for this species(petco advised me it was but I'm not sure). I noticed that he/she is very active at night climbing all over the branches and inside walls of the tank. I am afraid that my frog might be under stimulated ( getting bored). Should I add a 2nd frog to keep it company? Also I currently have no night light (I have a daytime light) for it would a black light be suitable?
Updated On July 22nd, 2017
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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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A 29L is a good sized enclosure for this species of tree frog. Juvenile frogs are much more active than adults. As your frog matures, it will "settle down" and spend more time on the ground. You can still use branches and perches to make use of the vertical space. You can keep two in the tank if you choose as long as there isn't a significant size difference. Different species cannot be kept together though. They do not need a night light. They do best with a 12 hours on/off light cycle.
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