Hi, I've 8 cichlids (2convict, 2dolphin, 2iceberg and 2livingstonii cichlids) in a 90 liter tank. My 2 dolphin cichlids are very aggressive. They always hit the others and chase them all the time. Should I seperate them or what else can I do? Also, I was using an internal filter. But yesterday I bought an external filter and installed it (after doing a water change). Next day, my fish started to swim up and stay on top of the tank. Is it normal or did I do something wrong? What should I do?
Updated On August 5th, 2017
Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Remove them or provide more cover (plants and hides) for the other fish to hide or escape. When fish hang near the top, it is usually due to low oxygen levels, low water temperature or improper water chemistry. It could be related to the different filter or the water change. Confirm proper water temp and use a test kit to check water chemistry. Ammonia and nitrites should be at 0 ppm (parts per million) and nitrates should be 40 ppm or less. Monitor chemistry closely until you know how the new filter operates. Make sure it is rated for the size tank you have to ensure adequate filtration. Correct imbalances using chemical treatment and additional partial water changes using aged/conditioned water.
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