Hi, i got 2 new fish yesterday. Ryukin fish, and they are very stressed I think. They mostly just sit in one corner but only swim when it's dark and no one is around. I have a filter tank, and a led light that also makes bubbles. How can I de-stress them?

Updated On October 11th, 2017

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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They need a much larger tank. A 20 gallon tank (properly cycled) suffice for several months. When full grown, a minimum 55-60 gallon tank with adequate filtration will be necessary for healthy fish. For now, maintain water quality via filtration and weekly partial water changes. These fish do best at temps between 65 F and 72 F but can tolerate colder temperatures as long as temperature swings are not too rapid.

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