My zebra looking cold water fish looks like it’s got cotton wool on it, it’s come on over the day, what do I do and how can it treat the fish

Updated On November 21st, 2017

Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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By your description, it could be a fungal infection. This can occur with poor water quality or stress. It can also be introduced I to a tank by new additions. Treatment is relatively simple and involves providing adequate water quality. Rinse filter media with tank water, not tap water, and perform a partial water change. Use only aged or conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent further stress or shock. Common antifungal medications include Malachite Green, Jungle Labs Fungus Eliminator, Anti-Fungus Remedy (Interpet) or PimaFix (API). You can purchase these products at your local pet or fish store. Follow label directions. If just the one fish is affected, consider separating it and treating it in a hospital tank. Return it to the main tank once treatment is complete.

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