I have a 20 gallon tank. I'm thinking of buying +5 fish. Which fish could I buy and what would I need for the fish and tank?

Updated On November 23rd, 2017

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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A fish tank will need a filter, a light/hood and a heater. Make sure the filter is rated for at least twice the tank volume. The heater should be adjustable since water temperature will depend on the species of fish. Good "starter" fish include Tetras, Mollies, Danios or Tetras. A new tank should be set up and left running empty for several weeks before adding fish. A pinch of flake food can be sprinkled in daily. This "cycling" will allow a population of beneficial bacteria to colonize the tank and filter. These bacteria will break down wastes (ammonia, nitrites and nitrates) which are toxic to fish.

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