Updated On December 17th, 2017
Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish
Answered By Debi Matlack 50
Veterinary Technician
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It sounds like your fish developed white spot disease, also called ich (ick). White spot disease, scientifically named Ichtyopthirius multifiliis, is commonly referred to as freshwater ich or ick. The disease is caused by single-cell organisms (protozoa) that attack fish with lowered immune systems. If your goldfish have recently survived an infection, sudden temperature change, or long period in dirty water, they could be vulnerable to white spot disease. If you have any fish left, slowly raise the water temperature to 86 degrees Fahrenheit, about 2 degrees per hour. The heat stops the ich parasites from dividing into many more. You can also add salt, which will help your fish develop their slime coat to help them ward off reattachment from the parasites. Use salt specifically for freshwater fish (aquarium salt), not table salt. Follow the directions on the back of the container for best results or add 1 tablespoon (3 teaspoons) for every 5 gallons (19 liters) of aquarium water. Many specialists also recommend 1 teaspoon per gallon instead.The salt is optional. As the temperature rises, water won’t be able to hold dissolved oxygen as well. Oxygenate the water by reducing the water level (this will boost surface area agitation from your filter), aiming power heads towards the surface of the water, or placing a few extra air stones (or ornaments with embedded air stones) into the water. Keep the temp at 86 for ten days while ich symptoms are visible, change 25% of the water every two days to keep oxygen levels up and remove excess parasites if you're using it. If there are no fish left, then raise the temperature without worrying about doing it slowly and keep it 86 for the whole ten days. If you still have fish, wait 3-5 days after the last of the white spots disappear. Gradually reduce the water temperature back to 65 °F in the same 2 degrees/hour like you did before. Do one last 25% water change and continue water changes on a weekly basis as usual. If you notice more white spots on your goldfish after using the natural ich treatment (and you’re sure you continued treatment for at least three days after the last visible signs of white spot disease), it could mean that the parasite has grown resistant to the heat and salt treatment. You may have to resort to using a commercial ich treatment product, such as CopperSafe Fish Treatment, by Mardel.
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