Updated On February 21st, 2018
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Answered By Andrea M. Brodie, DVM 64
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Reptile water conditioner usually contains chemicals such as Water, Dechloraminating Agents, Synthetic Organic Polymers (Colloids), Chelating Agents, Electrolytes. The reptile conditioner usually also has a chemical that binds calcium in the water as well as a slime protecting agent that is good for amphibians and fish. Aquarium water conditioners (for fresh water fish) contains chemicals such as sulfates such as sodium thiosulfate. Thiosulfate is a Redox reducing agent. Either should be ok for reptiles or fish, however I would stick with reptile conditioner for reptile tanks or mixed (reptile and fish) tanks and for aquaria with fish only I would use specific aquarium water conditioner. The main reason to use a water conditioner is to remove chlorine in water. This, however, can also be attained by leaving the aquarium water fresh from the tap sitting over night. The chlorine will dissipate.
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