Can you please give me a guidline of how much it will aproximatly cost to fix a broken dove's wing. Just so that i can decide if i want to take him to the vet. I apreciate

Updated On February 23rd, 2018

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Male

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Answered By Laura Bailey, DVM


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You should check to see if there are any wild life rehabilitation services or animal control services in your area. You can drop the dove off with them and they normally don't charge you. If you do not have one near you, the best thing would be to take him to a veterinarian. Some veterinarians treat wild life at no cost or discounted cost. You should call around to different veterinary clinics to see what they would charge you. The veterinarian would start off by doing an exam and possible xray of the wing. Normal cost for this would range from $75-$150. Best of luck to you. Thank you for using pet coach.

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