My beta fish has a swollen stomach and had turned white, can you help please

Updated On January 11th, 2017

Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish | Male

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Coutinio may have an infection, tumor, swim bladder issues or constipation just to name a few possibilities. Begin with the basics. Check water quality. If you have a home test kit, check ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels. If you don't have a test kit, you can submit a water sample for testing. Most pet stores or aquarists will do this for free or for a nominal fee. Constipation can lead to swim bladder disease. Both may be helped by fasting him for 2-3 days then feeding bits of shelled green peas. Fast him for one day a week in the future. Minor infections can be treated with broad spectrum antibiotics or antifungals. These can be purchased at most pet stores. Follow label directions. Serious conditions such as dropsy or tumors typically have a poor outcome.

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