I got some new fish yesterday but I am not sure what type they are as they were s gift. They are black and a bit small. I want to know what type of fish they are and what they would need. Can you please help me with what type pf fish they are and what I should buy for their tank to keep them happy?

Updated On March 9th, 2018

Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish

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Answered By Andrea M. Brodie, DVM


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As for what kind of tank you will need: Basically a square fish tank, do not get a bowl. You will likely need a heater and an air pump, and a thermometer, It is easiest to by a complete kit at a pet shop. As for size of tank: The bigger is always the better....however a minimum size will be determined by the type of fish and their average size they will grow into, So once we know what type of fish you have and how many, we can tell you how big your tank needs to be and what type of "furniture" (rocks, plants, gravel) you will need.

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    Answered By Andrea M. Brodie, DVM


    Unfortunately there are many freshwater aquarium fish that are black. Look up "Black Molly" on the internet and compare. If they are not Black Mollies the try to take a picture of them or several with your phone and upload them here and ask again. I am sure we can find out what they are.

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