My fish can't swim correctly, he can't swim. And at first I thought his fin was missing but she has all his fins. So why could she be swimming like this. Is it hurt please help. He is just a fish but he has been around for 1yr and 1/2 so the Thought of him dying terrifies me. Thanks P.s. he is not dead.

Updated On October 6th, 2018

Pet's info: Fish | Gold Fish | Male | unneutered | 1 year and 5 months old | 0.3 lbs

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Check water chemistry and temperature. Use a home test kit or submit a water sample for testing. The local Petco may do this for free or for a small fee. Aim for an absence, 0 ppm, of ammonia and nitrites with nitrates at 20 ppm or less. Perform partial water changes if necessary to stabilize chemistry and/or to improve water quality. Use only conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent stress or shock. Goldfish are cold water fish and do best between 65 F and 72 F. Goldfish can also become constipated which may affect swimming. Fast him/her for 3 days then resume feeding bits of cooked and shelled green peas until swimming is normal. If this doesn't help, consider an "all in one" treatment, such as Lifeguard (by Tetra). Find it in the aquarium section of the local Petco. Follow label directions carefully and remove the carbon filter insert during treatment if indicated.

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