My 5 month old blue iguana looks bloated but doesn't seem to be in distress or in pain but I'm worried, I woke up and he was just like that and it's been two days and his belly still looks the same, is there anyway you can let me know what's wrong with him?
Updated On October 23rd, 2018
Pet's info: Reptile | Iguana | Male | unneutered | 3 months and 28 days old
Answered By Todd Cecil 239
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Thanks for reaching out regarding Redd and including pictures. It does appear as his abdomen is distended. Are there possibilities he ingested something that could be obstructing his intestinal tract? Providing a shallow warm water soak for 5-10 minutes might stimulate defecation. Intestinal parasites or bacterial infections might also cause distention. If Redd continues to eat, you have some time to monitor things, but if he stops eating, becomes painful, or the distention increases, seek a reptile veterinarian sooner than later. Good luck.
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