Updated On April 20th, 2019
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Answered By Miranda Sadar, DVM, DACZM 229
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Thank you for your question about your turtle. I think that housing your turtle in your pond during the warmer months would be a great idea, as long as you feel that the husbandry parameters that are required can be met. This will include appropriate water temperatures (often times supplemental heat is required for ponds), protection from predators (some owners will bring their turtles indoors at night), and a mixture of shad and sun (so that your turtle doesn't overheat). As far as your question about the winter, I would not recommend allowing your turtle to hibernate outdoors. Even though this is done in the wild, an artificial pond is unlikely to allow for the same parameters as a wild setting, and this may result in a dangerous situation for your turtle. You could continue to house your turtle in the winter and then add the outdoor housing in the summer as well. I hope this gives you a place to start, and thank you for using PetCoach.
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