My dad's friend had this bunny hangin around their shop. Its clearly domestic. We are taking care of it rn. I just wanted some info for like behavior and care and stuff.

Updated On July 17th, 2020

Pet's info: Small Animal | Rabbit | Female | 10 lbs

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. There are just so many sites that can give you very good information on rabbit care. I would recommend a veterinary visit just to check your new friend over & make sure he/she is healthy, check the sex & make sure Licorice has been neutered. Rabbits need quite a bit of room to move around, a litter box that is cleaned daily, access to fresh water & good quality hay ( preferably Timothy ). Rabbit pellets should only make up 10-20% of her total diet, very limited fruits, but she should have daily access to fresh greens. Good luck with your new pet & thanks for contacting PetCoach.

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