Hello I’m not sure if I have came to the right place, but I have a few questions about my zebra nerite snails in my fish tank. I don’t know if they can reproduce I only have one in my tank but I was wandering what these small snail like creatures are and if they are a threat to my other fish in my tank. I have been looking these up and I can’t quite wonder what they are. Thank you for your service

Updated On November 19th, 2019

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Yes, this is the right place! Nerite snails are common and popular in aqua-culture. Most species of snails will reproduce asexually, but nerites need a male and a female snail to reproduce. The female will lay eggs and the male will fertilize them. The good news is that they typically do not reproduce n a freshwater tank. Other species of snails may reproduce and overpopulate the tank. Most snails do not pose any risk of harm to fish. The snail pictured may have come in on live plants and no lives in your tank. You can remove it and discard it if you don't want it in there.

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