Thank you ABGEL ALVARDO, LVT for answering my question. Sorry to ask but I have another question, so are these snail eggs and will they become as large as my zebra nerite as I have about 5 other different fish in my tank. My tank is 5.5 gallons. As I don’t want over crowding how do I despise of them, and the best possible way to do as they are already crawling around. I didn’t notice them as eggs though

Updated On November 19th, 2019

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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You likely wouldn't have been able to see the eggs. It looks like it could be a trumpet snail given the shape. This species grows to be about an inch. Clip a piece of lettuce to the side of the tank overnight. In the morning, the snails should be all over it feasting. Remove your Nerite and dispose of the rest in the trash. You may need to do this several times.

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