I have a 6 year old Rottie/Can Corso mix. He has a trauma related anxiety issues from being taken off his lead, outta the yard and abused for fighting I believe when he was 1&1/2. His anxietIes flare up when I’m trying time bring him in. He doesn’t flight he fights and he’s a very strong large breed. Fortunately it’s only defensive so if you back off he won’t attack. But then I still can’t bring him in until it subsides. What can I do?
Updated On December 4th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Large (61lb +) | Male | unneutered | 6 years and 9 months old | 120 lbs
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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I strongly recommend you consult with a professional, in-home dog trainer. You need a trainer to come to your house and see the behavior and how you are reacting to the situation. This is your best bet. Aggression problems need special care and it is not recommended that you try to correct this on your own. You may give him the wrong signals and make him worse. Especially with his breed combination and size, you need to do this right. I like this company Bark Busters. It appears as though they have a trainer in your area. I suggest you call them. I'm pretty sure the initial consult is free. ( https://www.barkbusters.com/dog-training-baltimore-northeast )
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