I'm looking for a small animal vet that has experience with guinea pig pregnancy? I vary well understand that it's best to get seen by a vet but unfortunately have no access to a small animal vet that in the small village town I'm in. My pregnant sow is at about 65+ days gestation and is fully dilated pelvic separation between 2 & 3.5 inches for about 5 days.she's showing no sign of toxic sow and is otherwise normal. Have you ever seen any pregnancy go so long without delivery at full separati
Updated On February 3rd, 2020
Pet's info: Small Animal | Guinea Pig | Female | unspayed | 11 months and 2 days old
Answered By Todd Cecil 239
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You are right that the typical gestation of guinea pigs is 63-65 days. If she is showing no indication of entering labor, there could be a problem. The Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians (AEMV.org) probably has a "Find the Vet" section. Otherwise, not sure where the closed veterinary school is to you. A small animal veterinarian with an ultrasound might be able to determine if there are any fetal heartbeats. Many small animal veterinarians could have oxytocin, which could be given to stimulate uterine contractions.
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