My ferret seems to have a red and swollen anus, she isnt bothered by it at all I know I should take her in but will she be okay to wait a a day to maybe a couple days? Or can I get some sort of cream that will help?

Updated On February 4th, 2020

Pet's info: Small Animal | Ferret | Female | spayed | 1 year old

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

Anything you apply will likely be licked off, so this is not recommended. You can feed a bland diet and use an e-collar (cone) if she begins to lick her back end until she sees the doctor. If she suffers a prolapse, she should be seen right away. Submit a stool sample to diagnose intestinal parasites.

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    Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

    Licensed Veterinary Technician

    Anything you apply will likely be lick off, so this is not recommended. You can feed a bland or soft diet to decrease irritation when she defecation. An e-collar (cone) can be used if she begins to lick excessively. If the swelling increases, if she starts straining to defecate or becomes lethargic, then have her examined sooner rather than later.

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