I have Luna and Tora . Luna when tora comes she kinda isolate her self and go away . Tora in other hand doesn't love me instead she likes my friend. I took to much care of them but they don't appreciate it,do please help. I begun to lose faith with them. It's critical issue.

Updated On February 15th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | unspayed | 3 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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Your question doesn't really describe what is going on. If the cats are fearful of you, taking time to let them approach you, and making sure you're the one feeding them, etc, can help with bonding. A toy that can be played with from a distance, such as a feather on a stick or laser pointer can also help with bonding without stress. If they get stressed out from handling, taking a break is best. If the cats are having trouble with each other, making sure they both have their own access to food, water, litter, etc can help avoid competition over resources. A pheromone diffuser such as Feli-way can also be plugged in to common rooms to help reduce stress.

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