Hi my local vet in the UK near me saw my hamster hattie last week as she was constantly loosing weight and she was hunched up so I got her in with my vet she checked hattie over and the vet said there's nothing wrong with her she has had her ears down constantly the vet suggested igive her a animal probiotic to hydrate her so I am doing that she still doesn't seem right to me the vet said it could be her intestines in older hamsters as she is 1year 9months is there anything you can suggest

Updated On April 22nd, 2020

Pet's info: Small Animal | Hamster | Female | unspayed | 136 lbs

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Answered By Todd Cecil


Thanks for reaching out about Hattie. The suggestion would be to have some diagnostic test performed, such as radiographs and blood work. Spondylosis or back problems are common in aging hamster, and could be managed by anti-inflammatory medications. Kidney problems, intestinal infections or parasites can also be investigated. Dental disease can reduce appetite. Uterine neoplasia is not uncommon in female hamsters. So a diagnosis is needed prior to recommending a treatment plan.
Good luck.

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