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49 Questions

My 4 year old horse is a draft cross. We feed him whole oats and good quality hay. But I read that isn't enough. So I put him on Purina equalizer for 3 months and I also tried Purina Eveloution for 3 months (not at the same time) mixed with oats, 1 cup each twice a day. Both Purina feeds made him crazy. Couldn't stand still hard to handle constantly running in the pasture. But on just oats he is an absolute gem. Does he need more than oats, hay and pasture grass?

Hello. Every horse is an individual, & despite everything you might read, if Beau was doing well on the oats & hay, then that is good for him. Your photo shows a nicely balanced horse. As long as he maintains a good weight like this, then anything additional is unnecessary. Oats, hay & pasture are perfect for him. Thanks for using Boop by Petco.

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My horse Betsy has weird poops. They are not like solid poops, they are liquid green poops. She is old.

Hello. Thank you for using Boop by Petco. Sorry to hear that Betsy is having this issue. At 9 years old she is not old. Horses can live to be 30 years old!! She is a youngster! I suggest you get your vet out to check her. One of the most common reasons for diarrhea in a horse is intestinal parasites. She may need deworming. Other possibilities are: 1. bacterial colitis 2. stress 3. diet change 4. Potomac horse fever 5. toxicity 6. excessive sand build-up in the GI tract 7. enteroliths Don't leave diarrhea un-treated for too long - this can make horses dehydrated and that will cause more issues. Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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My horse is rotating his front leg while moving fast is it a problem

The video does not load but I can see what you are referring to in the still shot. The one photo of him just standing there with his head down does not show us anything. Is the right front leg rotated outward or inward when he is just standing still? You would need to photograph him from the front to see that. My guess is that he is "paddling" or "winging" which are consequences of poor conformation, either toes turned in or turned out. Without examining him myself and watching him go I cannot tell you for sure what is going on. It may become a problem over time. There is no way for me to tell you that. You would just to monitor him for any limping and if that is noticed you will need to speak to a vet about what is going on.

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I was bathing this horse and they had grows and then when I curried they all came off and this is what the skin looks like now. What was it and how can I treat it?

This looks like a pretty serious case of rain rot. ( ) I suggest using this medicated shampoo. Lather, let sit on his skin for 15 minutes and then rinse well. Bathe him every 2-3 days. If after a week to 10 days you really do not see that much improvement he may need oral antibiotics that you would have to get from your vet. ( ) Wash all your saddle pads, brushes, blankets, etc to remove the bacteria. Do not ride him if the lesions are in the saddle/girth area until they are gone.

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My hen keeps trying to take food from another larger hen and doesnt eat other food offered to her. As a result, she's getting her feathers picked at by the larger hen. Is there anything I can do?

Offering extra food for both hens may encourage your hen to peck at her own food. If they're fighting to the point of pulling feathers, removing the dominant hen for a short bit and then reintroducing them may also help.

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My mini pig has a Rash (either from new skin supplement or ants) and has rubbed ant bites he got raw, which I'm pretty certain the ones by his pee hole are infected (I boarded him for the weekend going out of town Friday morning, fine, and came back to this) what do you recommend I do?? Please help, I just got back tonight and have no vet open living out in the middle of no where. He has no pain when its touched, lets me clean it fine, and has been given a bath to see if that will help.

I suggest you apply this wound spray 3-4 times per day. If that doesn't help within a few days then he needs to see a vet. Also, monitor him closely to be sure he is urinating OK. It almost looks like urine scald like he has been laying in urine. It does not look like ant bites. ( )

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My boer goat is having a hard time standing and her head is wobbling back and forth. I separated her from the herd. She is not calling out.

I would call out a vet to have 54 examined, or bring her into your local vet. Issues such as underlying illness, nutritional issues, toxicity, injury, etc are all potential causes of the symptoms described. If you notice any other of the herd affected, making note and separating them out to be examined is also a good idea.

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I have a Red Sex Links chicken. She doesn't like being around the other girls or the rooster. I don't have any other place to put her. She was also bullied for some time by my Pekin drake, as well as the other hens. She now only eats from my hand, but very little. I've taken her inside a few times, and she loves to sleep beside me…but I can't keep her in here with me! what is wrong with my girl??

It may be that Shelly just doesn't fit in well with your flock. Looking to see if you could rehome her with a smaller flock may be helpful. Making sure your birds have enough room and aren't fighting for resources is also a good idea as this can cause excessive pecking, fighting, etc if there isn't enough room to stretch, eat, rest, etc.

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cows baby 20days old has developed itching on back of leg and under his belly fews days back ,it gets black in color ,he keeps on licking and biting and rubbing it with his paws.

This could be from skin mites or ringworm. Both are extremely itchy. I suggest you try treatment for skin mites first. I have no idea what products you have to treat this in Pakistan so I suggest you ask your local vet for a product recommendation.

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