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My budgie got hurt on his cere and it was bleeding. He was doing flight training and he hit the wall, now he is sleeping and getting a rest in his room.

I see that you asked this question twice, so I am reposting my answer here to you to make sure it gets to you. If Pirrot has been injured it is best to seek veterinary care right away, especially if he was bleeding. It may be possible that there are more severe internal injuries, or there are wounds that need to be properly cleaned and treated with antibiotics to help heal. Until you can get to your vet, it is best to keep him in a warm cage separated from any other birds, and to clean up any blood or wounds with a clean washcloth. If he begins to act ill or the bleeding is unable to be stopped, seeking veterinary care immediately is needed.

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How to care for love birds how often to clean n feed the birds. What kind of water should I give the birds to drink

Hello. All birds should have fresh food and water changed every day. Clean the cage about once a week or more often as needed based on size of cage and mess produced. Tap water may be fine to give depending on your water source, so check with your municipality about that. If in doubt, offer bottled water. Feed about 65-75% complete pellets like ZuPreem or Roudybush, and the rest can be fresh veggies, some seed, and nuts. Have Tweety examined by an avian vet at least once a year for wellness, since catching problems early gives the best chance of successful treatment. Avian vets are listed at Good luck!

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When my cockatiel lays eggs, do I need to keep it in an incubator ? How do I need to feed the chicks once they hatch. Does the mommy cockatiel gees the babies herself or do I need to handfeed the babies. If the mommy cockatiel feeds chicks , can you explain the process . If I want to handfeed the babies so that it will bond with me , do I need to take it out of the cage at the time it hatches itself ?

Thanks for reaching out about your cockatiel. If she has laid eggs in a nest, allowing her to incubate the eggs will most likely result in a favorable result. Incubation is around 16-21 days, after she starts sitting on the eggs. Handrearing new hatches is difficult and should be left to experienced bird handlers, as they easily aspiration, are subjected to chills or overheating. Allow the mother to care for them. If you want to incubate and rear yourself, you will need to purchase an incubator and brooder, suitable for cockatiels. The recommendation is to allow the hen to raise them. After fledging, you can start to handle the babies to allow acclimation to humans. Good luck.

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My female new budgie loosing feather from her butt and sit fluffy please help me i don't want to loose her there is no vet near me

Feather loss can be from a large number of things. If it is concentrated around Fidu's vent, it is possible she is having some GI upset or diarrhea which is causing her some discomfort. Making sure she is on a balanced diet, removing any extra treats or snacks for a few days, and treating for any parasites may help relieve this and get her to feeling better. Adding in additional toys and spending time together can help with boredom feather plucking as well, however this type of feather plucking is usually all over the body or along the wings and chest, rather than on the bottom/vent area. If treating at home and changing her diet some doesn't help, or you see loose, watery stools, reduction in eating and drinking, etc, then trying to find a vet near you, even if they don't see specifically birds, is best to try and find the underlying cause and get her started on appropriate treatment.

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My african grey parrot keeps his eyes closed most of the time even when i stand in front of him he wont open them,he does eat a little bir

Without knowing if Jack is showing other symptoms of illness, it is hard to tell what is going on. Listless behavior, low energy, sleeping all the time and not eating or drinking as much are all very vague symptoms of illness and should be checked out by a vet to find the underlying causes. Infections, illness, injuries, parasites, nutritional issues, etc can all be possible causes. Keeping him warm and quiet, as well as providing easy access to food and water may help. If he is in a very loud or high-stress area, moving him somewhere quieter may also help him to relax and feel better, however if he continues to act unwell or doesn't perk back up, a vet exam is best.

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Hello. My cockatiel parrot is pulling out his feathers and the roots of the feathers are smooty black and nothing grow instead pulled out feathers or abnormal ones.I am very upset.please help me.there is not a good pet in our country.If I lose my Coco I will lose interest in everything, I love him very much

I am sorry to hear Coco is losing feathers. If you are seeing strange discharge from the area, or he is acting ill, and no feathers are regrowing, it is possible he may have an issue such as a nutritional problem, parasites, infection of the skin, etc. You can try to treat parasites with a mite spray and make sure he is on a balanced diet, as well as gently clean away any debris from the affected area, but if he is also acting ill you need to try and find a vet in your area that can look at him and treat any underlying issues. If you are having trouble coping with Coco's illness I also highly recommend seeking out a therapist or other support group in your area that can help you while you seek veterinary care for Coco.

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My single female cockatiel has laid two eggs in two days. Should I remove them or leave them? And for how long? Does she need dietary supplements? Thank you

Leave them in the cage/nest. If you remove them, she will keep laying. Leave them until she loses interest which could be in 2-3 weeks. Provide a commercial pelleted diet supplemented with a fortified seed mix. Provide a cuttlebone or mineral block as well. She will lay anywhere from 2 to 8 eggs total and there will likely be one day separating each egg.

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My senagol parrot has bare skin under the wings but the rest of the birds feathers are top notch

Monitor him for excessive preening or feather picking. If you see either. Have him examined by your veterinarian or an experienced avian veterinarian to diagnose the underlying cause. In the meantime, clean and sanitize the cage, bowls, toys and perches. Discard anything that cannot be sanitized. Bathe or mist him with warm water to promote preening and healthy plumage. Feed a balanced diet including a commercial pelleted diet, fortified seed mix and fresh fruits, greens and vegetables. You can also feed cooked rice, beans and plain pastas in small amounts.

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my female budgie is molting what should I give them to eat and how does I do care for them ?

Molting is a normal behavior where birds lose their old feathers and grow in new ones. Making sure Chicky is on a balanced diet for her species is a great way to ensure she has the right nutrition to regrow her feathers. Adding in a few extra fresh fruits and veggies, or even some egg food can also give a little extra protein and nutrients to help. Most birds will finish molting and have new feathers in after about a month.

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