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Hi I would to know what’s going on with my bird, he has a big bald spot on the left side of his right wing and also under it. He is not depressed but sometimes he pulls out fluffs and gets scared and spastic until you take from his mout. What should I do. He is a cockatiel 1 and a half years old

Ouch, poor Noug! There are a few things that could be happening. One common issue is parasites such as mites, or skin issues such as infections that may be bothersome and causing him to scratch and pluck at the area. Checking for any visible wounds, redness, flecks of "stuff" under the feathers, etc can help you determine if this is the case. Having a vet take a look and treat it if you suspect it can help. Another can be poor nutrition. Making sure he is on a balanced diet for cockatiels, and adding in some extra treats can help ensure he gets the right nutrition to growth his feathers back. Treats can also help some with boredom. A third reason (and very common) is boredom or stress plucking. Making sure his cage is in a stress-free area that is quiet, free from pets and people harassing him, and isn't too hot or cold can help. Spending time together to interact, adding in toys that require chewing, puzzles, etc can also help add some enrichment and keep him focused on that instead of himself. In some cases, feather plucking becomes chronic, so if none of the above helps, speaking with a vet or behaviorist that specializes in birds is best to try and see if there are other treatment options.

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I have baby alexandrine parrot 26 days old he is sleeping all day he only waked up when he needs food is he allright kindly suggest...!!!

Parrot chicks eat, sleep and poop. If he is gaining regularly and has no other symptoms, then this is likely no cause for concern at the moment. Keep him, warm, clean and fed. If necessary, have him physically examined by your veterinarian to diagnose and treat any illness or injury.

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Yesterday my dog killed one of my two budgies. We have worked with having Ptolemy near the birds with no issues at all. We never leave the house with the birds out and are almost always in the same room as the birds and the dog. Yesterday the whole family was in the room when I noticed Cicero was missing, I found my dog with the dead bird next to him. I'm wondering how I should go about training Ptolemy to not kill my other bird and what precautions I should take. I dont want to lock up either:(

Unfortunately changing a dog's prey drive is very difficult. Even the best of dogs still have instinct take over at times and there isn't much you can do other than make sure the bird and Ptolemy are monitored at all times. You can also find a local trainer and see if they have any advice but in my experience this is very hard to prevent. I'm sorry about your budgie. I hope that helps and thank you for using Boop by Petco.

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Can I put red blood parrot fish Discus fish together in a same tank ?

I do not think it is advisable. Blood parrot fish need a different temperature range from Discus fish. It is also likely that the parrot fish will bully the discus fish, which would stress them extensively possibly even causing their eventual death.

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One of my parrot cichlid has developed black eye which I don't seem to understand as to what is it exactly. Eye is swollen and a bit out of its socket. Previously it was white but now changing to black color. Due to this fish is hiding continuously and other fishes are pinching it.

Thanks for reaching out about your parrot cichlid. Melanin pigment (black) is an immune response in fish, indicating an infection or inflammation. Whether this started as n infection, trauma or other, is unknown. A veterinary visit with an experienced aquatic veterinarian, should be able to establish a diagnosis and treatment plan. Always check and correct water quality (pH, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates). Good luck.

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What do you do if your puppy eats a dead bird and she doesnt have her shots?

Hello, thank you for your question about Luna. Generally, the viruses/diseases that dogs are vaccinated for are not commonly transmitted from ingesting dead birds or other animals. However, it is possible that Luna may experience GI upset or a GI infection secondary to this. If Luna develops any vomiting, diarrhea, or inappetance I would recommend having her evaluated by your veterinarian. In the meantime to try and help settle her stomach you could offer her a bland diet such as boiled chicken/hamburger and white rice. Hope this helps, good luck!

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I have just purchased a canary today and since I have had the canary it has been puffed up or all of its feathers ruffled up. The tail feathers seem to be untamed completely. I have not heard it sing or chirp. The bird is eating and drinking however I am worried the bird is sick upon research I have conducted. I am new to this and I am not sure what to do. Please help

Thanks for your question about Hazlet, and thank you for the photos - they are very helpful. You are correct in that Hazlet is more fluffed than a normal canary should be. You are also correct that this can be a sign of illness (it is part of what we call the "sick bird posture" - this also includes sitting low on the perches or sitting on the ground, closing the eyes, tucking the head, faster breathing). It can also be a sign of stress, or being cold as well. I would recommend that you evaluate where the cage is located - is it near a window, near an outside wall, or near a door? Is the temperature in your house 70F or below - if so, I would recommend increasing the temperature. Now that it has been two days since you posted (I apologize for the delay, by the way), if this has continued and the temperatures and cage location are appropriate, it may be time for a veterinary visit. Often it can take a few days for a bird to get comfortable in their new environment, but if it is still going on now, I would recommend taking him in to see a veterinarian. They can perform a physical examination, and depending on the findings, may have treatment recommendations for you. They can also evaluate the husbandry/care/diet for Hazlet and may make recommendations that are tailored to you and to him. I hope that gives you a place to start, and thanks for using Boop by Petco.

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My cockatiel's poop is bright green instead of dark green. Im not sure if he's sick or what. (His poop isn't watery, it's normal but offcolored). Thank you!

The color of the droppings can vary depending on the diet. If Keke is behaving normally otherwise, there is likely no cause for concern. Continue to monitor the stool and diet. If he becomes lethargic, stops eating or develops loose droppings, then have him examined by your veterinarian or an experienced avian veterinarian.

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What’s the period between the time my conure lays another egg. (She has laid one)

Thanks for reaching out about Fifi. Typically most bird will lay eggs 48 hours apart. The time from ovulation to egg laying is usually around 40 hours. As the ovum traverses the female reproductive tract, all the additional layers of the egg are deposited (albumen, shell membranes, shell). Birds usually lay in the early morning hours. Some birds will only lay one egg and can be normal. Some will lay 6-8 eggs and will potentially double clutch if the eggs are removed or destroyed. Good luck.

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