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27392 Questions

what can I do for a mostly feral cat with upper respitory/cold symptoms?

Thanks for using Boop by Petco! If Bud appears to be suffering from an upper respiratory infection (nasal discharge, sneezing, eye discharge), then there is an injectable antibiotic injection (convenia) that lasts for two weeks and frequently is helpful for these infections in cats that are difficult to give oral medications to. It would require him to be seen by a veterinarian and have an accurate weight. If possible, I would have him evaluated by a veterinarian and discuss convenia as a possible treatment option. Good luck!

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Can completely dry minoxidil hurt cats? If the minoxidil has been dry for around 8 hours and it is rinsed off, can that dampness hurt cats?

Great question! As I'm sure you are aware, minoxidil is highly toxic to cats. From what I have found about the product, toxicity has occurred when cats have walked through the spilled product, licked it off their owners head, or when owners have applied it to the cat itself. As long as it is completely dried and has been rinsed off fully, Zelda should be fine. To be safe, do not allow her to lick your hair, and always apply the Minoxidil in a room that is not accessible to her. Clean up any spills promptly, and never put it on her. Good luck, I hope this helps and thank you for contacting Pet Coach!

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I did some research on google for 'Cat licking Hot Chocolate' Since I asked a question earlier here if I need to Rush her to the vet for licking the rim of my cup that sat in the sink all night after I had a 28.3 G pack of hot coco mix with 4-5 tbsp of Cappucino and it said The chemical in cocoa that is toxic to cats and dogs is called 'theo bromine'. The amount of this is low in hot cocoa mix, also after 20 hours that the toxics out of their system is that true? Or do I still need to worry? x.x

Yes, you are correct that the substance in cocoa that is toxic to dogs and cats is called theobromine. The half-life of theobromine is 7.5 hours. That means half of it will be gone from her system in 7.5 hours, then half of the remaining theobromine in 7.5 hours, and so on. Given that the amount was low in the hot cocoa, and the fact that she only ingested a little bit that had been diluted by water from sitting in the sink, you do not need to worry, she should be fine :-)

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My cat has scab-like bumps on her nose bridge, and there is a small little circle closer to her nose. She hair minor hair loss near these areas, stretching from the nose itself, about 2mm up the nose bridge which i'm assuming is due to these hard scabs. She also has these hard crusty yellow bits along the outer edge of her ear, as well as irritation in those areas. Should I bring her in to be checked out by a vet or is this an easy fix with over the counter products?

I would recommend having Sharon examined by your vet and have your vet do some simple skin tests to determine what might be going on with Sharon. We do sometimes see some different types of mites (I have attached a link to a handout below with more information on one type of mite) that can cause skin problems in cats as well as bacterial or fungal infections. so your vet will need to determine the cause of the crusting in order to determine the best treatment option. Good luck! I hope that was helpful. Thanks for using Boop by Petco.

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My cat licked some store brought aloe vera gel off of my face can it hurt him

Hello, and thank you for your question. Aloe vera should not be toxic by itself. I am also assuming he did not lick very much if it was rubbed into your face previously. However, if you notice vomiting, diarrhea, reduced appetite, or lethargy within the next 24 hours, I would advise you to visit your veterinarian, in case there were other ingredients in the gel that caused stomach upset. I hope this helps, and that Tigger does well!

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I gave my cat some chicken broth (store bought) to ad moisture to her dry food. I didn't give her a lot but I just read that broth has onion powder in it and that it, and the sodium, is toxic to cats . Is she going to be ok this once or should I worry?

If you gave her just a small amount she should be fine, but don't give it to her anymore, she doesn't need her food moisturized at all unless she has teeth disease (in that case she needs to be on canned food only).

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I've just used advantage flea treatment on my 12 week old kitten and his white fur is turning pink, is this a reason to be worried?

As long as Sushi's behavior is normal and the only sign you are seeing is the change in color of the fur I wouldn't worry too much. I would consider changing to a different formulation of flea control, like a collar or oral (i.e. Seresto, Comfortis). If you continue with topical medication you want to make sure that you are getting the medication on the skin only. I know this can be difficult because there is so much in those vials. You can part the hair a little further up her neck toward her head to give you more working room.

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My cat isn't eating or drinking and is throwing up bile. I've just moved and I don't think she's taking it too well. How serious is this?

Poor kitty! If she is vomiting and not eating or drinking, this is a serious problem - even if the problem began because of stress, she will quickly become dehydrated if this continues. I would recommend having her examined by a vet as soon as you can - he/she can do blood work and x-rays if needed to find out what's wrong and get her started on IV fluids and other supportive care if needed.

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hello, right now my cat just vomited then started meowing differ then normal and now is hissing and growling at me??? she is a very friendly cat and is acting very differently

Poor Nermal! Some cats do act aggressive when they don't feel well. You could try leaving her alone for the next few hours to see if she calms down and begins acting normal again once her stomach has settled. If there is no improvement in the next 24 hours, or if she continues to vomit through the day or develops any other symptoms, it would be best to take her to the vet for an exam. He/she can do some diagnostic testing if needed to help determine the problem and get her started on appropriate treatment.

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