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27392 Questions

Hi. Can I feed my kitten adult wet cat food. I've checked the label and the ingredients between the adult and the kitten wet cat food of the same brand and they're just the same. The only difference is that the fat is higher in the kitten one than the adult one but the protein is higher in the adult one than the kitten one.So can I feed the adult wet cat food to my kitten?

Yes, the adult food is a complete diet for all life stages. Usually kittens grow better with a kitten food as they do not have to eat as much to get the nutrients they need and the energy requirements. I usually feed kitten food until they are six months old then switch to adult food. Thanks for using Boop by Petco to help you get answers to your veterinary questions.

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I have a feral cat that seems to have a broken leg. She will not let you catch her. We have set traps with no luck. Could the leg heal on its own?

First off, good on you for trying to cat and help this poor animal. A broken leg would be very painful, and definitely needs treatment. While broken legs can heal on their own, they won't heal correctly, and the cat may not be able to use the leg properly. I would recommend calling your local SPCA for help with trapping the cat, as she needs medical treatment as soon as possible.

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I have a 4 week old kitten, can she eat normal kitten food or must she still be on milk

By 4 weeks of age, Alice is old enough to start eating soft kitten food, but she should still have some kitten milk replacer (KMR) in her diet. Soft kitten food can mean either canned kitten food or dry kitten food that has been soaked with water for 10 minutes. If the offering bottles is becoming cumbersome, you can also try putting the KMR in a saucer or shallow bowl to allow her to lap it up.

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Isnt Xanthan Gum toxic to cats? Or am I thinking of a different type of 'Gum' that's toxic for them? :) Just wondering! since I've seen some pet foods containing Xanthan!.

I have a feeling you are thinking of Xylitol, which is a component of many sugarless gum products. This is a highly toxic product that should be avoided at all costs. Xanthan gum, as far as I know, is non toxic to both dogs and cats.

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My mama cat had her second litter of kittens 2days ago. Her first litter is almost 5months old. One of the kittens from her first litter keeps nursing. Is that okay? Can the mama cat produce enough milk to nurse four newborns and the 5 month old kitten?

Yes, Bella should be able to produce plenty of milk for everyone, but it is very abnormal for a 5 month old kitten to want to keep nursing. I would recommend removing the older kitten and keeping them separate. Occasionally, older kittens will continue to try to nurse, and if there is no milk present, the nursing can lead to mastitis (an infection in the mammary gland). I would also recommend getting Bella and the kittens spayed to prevent further pregnancies. Cats will mate with any male present, including their own kittens.

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6 days old kitten umbilical cord didn't fall off. but the kitten seems healthy and the cord doesn't seem infected. what should i do? do i have to cut it? if yes please tell me how. no vet around here thank you

Hello and welcome to Boop by Petco. I would suggest just leaving the cord alone. As long as it doesn't have any discharge, and the kitten is eating, drinking, playing and doing well, the cord will die and fall off on it's own. Do not pull on it and you don't have to cut it. Best of luck with Tinkie!

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My cat appears to be missing front teeth in the middle on top. Could I just be not seeing them? If they are missing what causes this? She's 5.5 years old

The upper middle teeth on Mittens may just be so small your are not seeing them. They may have also fallen out. If they have fallen out this is usually caused by dental disease. Ideally cats and dogs would brush their teeth every day but they don't always allow us to do that. If she is missing her upper middle teeth do not worry it will not affect her in the long run. If she has trouble eating or has a bad smell coming from her mouth I would recommend a visit with your veterinarian to make sure she does not need a dental performed. Thank you for using Boop by Petco!

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If I feed my 6 week old kitten dry food, can I soften it with Kitten milk formula?

Hello, thank you for using Boop by Petco. Yes, you can. There is also a Kitten weaning formula, but the milk is fine. I would also provide the dry food plain, so Sky can crunch down if she wants too. Take care.

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I knew that Friskies dry food is much cheaper than Meow Mix dry food. But one of the best seller in Amazon is Meow Mix dry food, not the Friskies even it's much cheaper than Meow Mix. Now I'm wondering, why they don't want to buy Friskies dry food instead Meow Mix, since Friskies dry food is much cheaper. So is that mean that Meow Mix dry food is much better than Friskies dry food? I am not going to feed my cats one of these. I am just curious...

Great question! When a cat food costs more, its' because of the ingredients used in the food. Meow Mix likely has better quality ingredients than Friskies (but not as good as the higher priced foods like Royal Canin), and owners typically are very concerned with feeding their pets the best quality food they can afford. That would be my guess as to why Meow Mix is the most popular food on Amazon even though there is a cheaper option. I hope this helps :-)

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